Chapter 4

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we zoom at the cobra hellcarrier where cobra commander and his subordinates are planning on ambushing hornet and her fleet nearby if necesary capture her and her fleet in order to force gi joe to release him incase they refused cobra will brainwashed them to obey the crimson axis and with that done lets begin

cobra commander:right do we remember the plans 

destro and subordiantes:yes commander once we ambushed them we need someone to distract gi joe and azur lane but who

cobra commander:i will be the one to distract them if im captured i will send my cordinates and the baroness zartan and his drednocks will get me out 

destro and subordinates:understood cobra commander so lets begin commander 

cobra commander:lets destro cobra 

we zoom in the cobra hellcarriers and aicraft carrier where cobra helicopters and jet fighters are preparing for take off as well as several cobra transports helicopters with capturing nets in order to capture the one member of the gi joes and enterprise sister hornet and her fleet 

we zoom at the nearby islands where the shoukaka and zuikaka nimi ayami and eugen are waiting for cobra commander and his allies which they didnt have to wait long as the radio is activated 

cobra commander:do you read me shipgirls im imposition the objective is to capture hornet fleet and enterprise as well as a member of gi joe understood 

shoukaka and zuikaka:hai we understand so disabled them 

cobra commander:yes do the rest of you understand 

nimi eugen and ayami:hai we uderstand also they are arriving 

cobra commander:good destro is everything prepared for our ambush

destro:yes cobra commander we are ready 

cobra commander:lets begin shall we haaaaaaaaaaa

We zoom on in the azur lane base where the gi joes are preparing to rescue the nearby shipgirls which are introuble as they were reaching their destinations they arrived as they zoome the shipgirls are being captured by cobra and the crimson axis this made enterprise enraged and she fired her arrow at cobra commander which forced him to crash in the water which he was captured by gun ho and flint 

gun ho:not so toff are you snake breath 

cobra commander:you may have captured me gi joe but i also have you haaaaaaaaaaaaaa

as gun ho looks to see the azur lane shipgirls are captured along with duke and snake eyes 

gun ho:god dammit they captured duke and snake eyes and hornet and her fleet 

as they zoom the cobra hellcarrier arrives with cobra mirages su 57 and attack helicopters and transport chopper including destro and the rest of cobra return back to the crimson axis 

flint:looks like im in charge forme a detachment and take the cobra commander to the azur lane base for interrogations 

gun ho:thats the last place no one escape 

cobra commander:really gu ho remember i escape from bolingbroke prison also removes his helmet for the first time which made the gi joes and azur lane shocked

gun ho:a kid we been beaten by a kid all this time son how old are you 

cobra commander:call me blagoj also im 18 years old whats the matter joes beeing beaten by a kid is so funny haaaaaaaaaaa

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