Chapter 10

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The other man still held his chopsticks in one hand, yet his lips were pressed in a tight line, eyes gleaming with joy and shoulders shaking in laugher at Arata's reaction. 

"Moving on..." Arata continued the conversation, still rather flustered. "You don't have any underlings at your company to call you 'san'?"

"Not in our department, no." the man shook his head and resumed his meal. "I graduated four years ago but I only began taking clients of my own last year so I'm still a newbie. Most of my colleagues have been working in this field for over fifteen years."

"That is impressive." Arata agreed. "I couldn't do that sort of work."

"Really?" Matsushita-san shot him an incredulous look and muttered: "I hear people brag all the time that anyone could do this job... especially after we finished a project."

"No, I don't believe that." the young man shook his head, chagrined. "It seems fun, but difficult. If you want to do it right, of course."

"You're very wise, Wakahisa-kun." Matsushita-san grinned with pleasure. "It doesn't really bother me as much anymore but I appreciate the encouragement."

"It's the truth." he replied, smiling.

Just as the man opened his mouth to reply, he was interrupted by the soft, melodious ringtone and the incessant buzzing of his phone.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I step out for a moment?" he asked apologetically and got up as soon as he received an understanding nod from Arata. The young man took that moment to catch the waitress's attention and pay for their meal before they got to argue over the check. Content with how his plan turned out, he quickly slipped his wallet back in his bag and waited innocently.

"I'm really sorry, I had to take that call. I hope you didn't mind too much." Matsushita-san huffed out as he sat back down.

"Not at all." Arata replied, trying not to give himself away.

"So, are you going home next week?" the man changed the subject, genuine curiosity etched on his face.

Arata paused. He hadn't thought about that. In fact, he had persistently avoided considering what he would do with his free time ever since he heard the news from Fujita-san. Although his parents didn't actually address the subject, the young man knew they probably expected his visit before the next term began. Not that they longed to see their son after spending months apart, Arata believed, but because they supposed he wouldn't have anything better to do in Tokyo. They hadn't contacted him in any way since his father had sent him the package with a brief and stiffly-written note scribbled inside. He had sent back a message formulated in a similar manner and made an effort to push back the disappointment bubbling up inside.

"...I don't know." he finally replied, bitterly chewing on his bottom lip. "I'm not very close with my parents, unfortunately."

"I see." the other man nodded pensively. "I can lend an ear if you wish."

"Thank you. Maybe some other time." Arata politely refused and sipped the last drops of broth in his bowl.

The last thing he wanted was to become burdensome and unload his childhood frustrations onto an overly accommodating Matsushita-san. His issues with his parents were his own, it would have been terribly selfish of him to ruin the evening with such a disquieting topic of conversation.

The other man quietly regarded him for a few moments and shifted in his chair.

"Next Thursday I have to leave for a consultation in Kanagawa. That's what the call earlier was about. They're building some sort of luxury inn and want to impress, so they asked for us." he explained. "If you're not doing anything next week, how about I take Friday off and you come with me?"

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