A Poem

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You said that you loved him 

You said your son had your unconditional love 

You fucking liars 

You didn't have any love 

If you did 

You would call her your daughter 

Because she wasn't your son 

The things you said 

They tortured her 

They tortured her so much that she killed herself 

She threw herself in front of a truck 

All because you hated her 

You may have loved him 

But you hated her

Religiously you don't support that? 

Do you know what that means? 

It means you didn't love her 

It means you wanted her to be miserable 

It means she meant nothing 

It means that she didn't even exist to you 

But you damn sure loved him, didn't you?

You said that you only wanted to fix him 

You couldn't fix her 

All you did was cause her grief 

You caused her anger 

You caused her to shut everyone out 

You caused her death 

You caused Leelah to hate herself 

But you loved Joshua

You wanted to find a cure for him 

You wanted to make him better 

But guess what 

There is no cure 

You couldn't make him better 

She was not a he 

Don't you fucking get it? 

You just don't understand 

There was nothing 



Nothing wrong with her 

Nothing except the body she was given

That was the only thing wrong 

But you didn't want to fix it

After all, you had a son 

And you didn't need a daughter 

You didn't need a daughter who would love you 

A daughter that you could watch grow 

Into a beautiful woman 

A daughter who would have her first date 

Her first kiss 

Her first love 

Her first dance 

Her first real happiness 


You didn't need a daughter 

You had a son 

A Message for the Parents of Leelah AlcornWhere stories live. Discover now