I'm cold

633 13 11

A good moment of silence would echo through the car , all that could be heard was the revving of the engine . [Y/N] just sighed and looked out their window . They would feel the sudden change of atmosphere . They where driving ? Ah , he finally left the parking lot . [Y/N] couldn't help but to amaze the scenery of Scranton . Gah , it was so .. Beautiful .

Finally , Toby had finally spoken .

" So er ..  can I tell you something .. "

[Y/N] sat here for a second and looked to him . 'Should I answer ? God only know what's he going to say ..'

" Yes , Toby .. ? "

" You're pretty "

His gentle voice went through one ear and right out the other before [Y/N] reacted . There went the color crimson again , leaking over [Y/N]'s face .

' Huh ?! How do I answer that ?! Just .. a thank you ?? Or .. a comment back ! That's the way !

" You're .. not that bad looking yourself ..? "

From the corner of [Y/N]'s eye , Toby's mouth curved into a sweet smile as he would just melt from the comment . It was adorable! That would most likely encourage him to say something else .

" Do you want me too take you straight home or.. ? I want you to come over for dinner .. I mean.. I-If you want too , it's so sudden - "

He was interrupted by [Y/N] setting their hand atop his own , holding it close as they would mumble softly in reply .

" Sure .. I don't think I'll be doing anything .. important tonight , the most of my worries is just work stuff , y'know ..? "

He nodded and listened , rerouting so they would end up going to his house instead . For some reason [Y/N] had a soft unnerving feeling at the pit of their stomach . Another couple moments of silence .

Sooner or later , the car would come to a hault , signaling that they had made it to his home . They would accidentally exchange eye contact as [Y/N] would reach from the buckle so she could get out .

Toby would lean forward and gently run his hand through their hair , as almost like a kitten , they'd purr .

[Y/N] realized what they did as they went silent , they looked at eachother again directly as Toby gave a cute little giggle .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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