Chapter 4

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We all looked up and...


Nick got hit in the face with a beach ball.
I tried to stifle my laughter but the other guys were making it really hard not to laugh.

"Haha. SO funny guys" Nick responds sarcastically.
"Sarcasm noted Mara." I replied back.

He rolled his eyes before getting an evil grin on.


Knowing he was gonna go after me, I ran off down the beach.

"JEN!" I hear none other than Darcy yell.

"DARCE!" I yelled back running up to hide behind her.

"Save me. Nick has an evil plan" I whispered.
She laughed and then Nick walked up. He knew I was behind Darcy but he played dumb to it.

"Darce, where'd Jenny go?"
"I don't know who you're taking about"
"Darcy Ann."
"Nicholas Carter."
I decided to take the chance and run.
Nick shoved his way past Darcy and ran after me, eventually catching up.

No. Nick and I don't like each other. We're best friends. We just get evil ideas and decide to go after the other with those ideas.

He laughed and shook his head before throwing me into the sand, face first.

"Heeeeyyy" I whined.

He knows that I HATE getting sand everywhere.
He was just laughing before he took my bag and ran away with it.

"my books..." I whined quietly. "he took my books!"
The other boys just shook their heads and just laid back down to relax.

"You'll get your books back ya little nerd" Zion said.

"This little nerd is gonna kick your-"

"HEY! Guys no. No arguing" Edwin interrupted.

"But my books!"

"No. Arguing."

"Books" I challenged.
He glares at me before getting up to go get my bag back from Nick.

"Dang Jenny. You really like your books huh?" Austin said.

"I LOVE books. I like reading. Is that a problem Porter?" I responded.



Few minutes later Edwin came back with my bag and just dropped it on me.

"Thank youuuuu" I said smiling.

"You're welcome Jenny. You should be lucky they came back. Nick tried to shove me in the water"


Edwin has no idea what to say at that point.

"NICHOLAS CARTER MARA YOU ARE DEAD!" I yelled out and started running in the direction Edwin came back from.

No one messes with my books like that. No. One.
Nick saw me running at him and had a "oh shiz" look on his face and ran the opposite direction.
Darcy watched as we ran past her and her friends and laughed at us. She knows what Nick did to my books. She knows how seriously I take my books too.

I caught up to Nick and he didn't know what to expect next when....

Oof. I haven't written in this book in over a year. I'm in college now bruhs. About to start my 2nd year! I'm majoring in addictions psychology and plan on getting a doctorate degree. It'll be so awesome. Definitely not sorry about this cliffhanger. Nor the short chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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