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Third person POV~

Niall and Rebecca have been friends since they where younger. Mainly because there parents knew each other, and ever time there parents would hangout they would have their play dates together.

Rebecca was known as a control freak she didn't like to share what was "hers" and that why Niall didn't have a lot of friends.

As they got older and got in to middle school Rebecca started to fall in love with Niall. 



My Dad got a new job in a different country forcing my mom and I to move with him to Ireland. I have to start a new life and try to make new friends. I've always been that kind of girl that had a hard time making new friends. 

I was getting ready for a new school day at my new school. 

"Y/N your gonna be late for school."My mom hollered from downstairs.


I went downstairs stairs and grabbed something short for breakfast not feeling it.

I walk to school since I didn't live that far.

I Looked up for my phone seeing a big school.

"I'm never gonna fit in." I whispered.

I started to walking when I bumped into someone. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I said.

What a great first day I thought to my self.

"Oh it's fine, are you new here?" Someone asked with a strong Irish accent.

"Um yeah, I moved here from America." I said shyly.

"That's so cool, what's your name." He asked.

I got lost in his blue eyes.

"Y/N" I said, feeling a little bit more comfortable.

"Nic-" He got cut off by a blonde girls.

"He didn't ask" she said in a bitchy tone.

"Come on Niall where gonna be late for class." She said practically dragging him.

Wow what a bitch.

"I see you met Rebecca." Said a girl.

I jump not know she was next to me.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I did mean to scare you!" She said.

"It's okay, I was just a little startled." I told her with my hand against my heart.

"I'm Y/B/F/N." She said all smiley.

"Y/N." I told her.

"Do you need help finding your classes?" She asked.

"Yeah." I told her giving her my schedule.

"Oh we have about all the same classes." She said happily.

I can tell that we're gonna be friends.

"What's Rebeccas deal?" I asked her.

"Well she think that's she owns ever thing and practically hates when people talk to what's "hers"." She said meaning by Niall, I think.

That's probably why she dragged him away.

We got to our morning class, sadly Rebecca was in our class as well as Niall.

Married to Niall James HoranWhere stories live. Discover now