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7. Venusian

Is it possible that other planets in our solar system once supported life? Absolutely. And still could in other dimensions and planes of existence. This includes Venus, which brings us to our Venusian starseeds. Venusians live in the fourth dimension and they are also called the Hathors. Hathor is an ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood. It’s said she’s from Venus and seeded Venusians on Earth to teach love.

Venusian (Hathor) Starseed Traits:

Venusian starseeds are often very tall

sensual and passionate individuals – may have a hard time committing to one mate

nurturing and compassionate

highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras)

feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides

interest in outer space and ancient civilizations

can be labeled as “flighty”

huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the “new age” in

drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite

often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like)

often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like)

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