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A new week has started and I am determined to know more about Yeonjun so I can help him. I told Yeonjun I had things to do after school so I asked him not to follow me. I don't want to get his hopes high. Maybe Yeonjun is not this trainee guy.
School has ended and I'm heading to the BigHit building.

I follow my GPS and I end up by this big building. There are a lot of girls surrounding the building. They are screaming like crazy.
I walk pass by them and as I was about to enter the building, doing my own thing, the security stopped me.

"Hey, hey, where do you think you're going, young lady?"- the security stopped me.

"I haven't even reached the reception.."- I frowned.

"Do you think we can let fans even get in?"- he sarcastically said.

"Who told you I'm your fan?"- I mocked him.

"Go on, young lady, leave."- he said pushing me away.

"Wait, wait, wait!"- I said and he stopped to listen- "I need to talk to this Hugh Kai guy"- I finished.

"There is no Hugh Kai here"- he said and started pushing again.

"Okay, okay, okay. Listen, this Kai guy, he may be the only way I can help a friend!"- I tried to explain but he pushed me to the sidewalk.

Almost a week has been gone. It's now Thursday and I still couldn't talk to this Kai guy. I even tried to climb windows. I even dressed up as different characters so they would let me in, but nothing.

Here I am again. Looking at this building after multiple failed attempts to get in.

"Why do you keep coming here?"- someone said out of nowhere.

"Oh, Jesus! My heart! You scared me."- I said to notice it was Yeonjun.

"So...why are you here?"- he asked again.

I sighed from tiredness.

"C'mon... I'll explain it to you over some ramen..."- I said and started to walk to a convinience store close by.

After ramen and a long explanation, I was still tired and disappointed at my failure.

"So...you think this company has something to do with me and there are people there who know me...but they don't let you enter the building...?"- he asked for reassurance.

"Yes.."- I answered.

"Why didn't you tell me? I can go through walls"- he said.

"Yeah, but you can't talk to anyone.... besides... I'm not sure about this, so I didn't want to get your hopes high."- I explained.

"I see..."

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I failed"- I said.

"Don't say that. You've been doing a lot for me..thank you"- Yeonjun said while he looked me in the eyes. His eyes shined for some reason, but you could clearly see he was still disappointed.

"Well...I have to go to the school auditorium...I don't want to miss another day of painting the scenario...but first I need kimbap"- I said and got up to get it.

I got to the shelve and when I was about to get my kimbap someone went for it too.

"Oh sorry, you take it"
"Sorry, it's yours"- we said at the same time.

"I'm sorry, take it"- I said after.

"Thank you"- he smiled nicely.

"You're welcome"- I smiled and grabbed another Kimbap to leave and pay, but the guy talked again making me stop.

"Just Ghosting Around"- Yeonjun TxT ff ✓Where stories live. Discover now