Part 1: The Beginning

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Waking up in her small bed in her First Order quarters, Escara groaned. Her body ached from the previous day's battle, so she let herself lay down for a bit. Finally, Escara decided to get up and take a warm shower and stretch for the day. Sliding out of bed, she shivered at the coldness of the room altogether. She grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom with a towel and took off her nightclothes.

Looking in the mirror, she took in her body. While parts of it were scarred up, she knew heer worth, and knew that no matter what, if she were ever going to find a significant other, they wouldn't get a say in her scars. She stepped in the refresher and cleaned her hair in the way that took a while, and was soothing to her . She cleaned her body with some sweet-smelling soap, and stepped out, wrapping herrself in a towel.

Getting dressed in fitted black pants that reached to the middle of her calves, a white tank top with beige linen wrapped over it, and a black robe, whose hood she placed around her shoulders, she were careful to avoid irritating new wounds. One wound, running from her cheekbone to her collarbone was finally healing up, leaving a raised line, was particularly irritating her. Stepping into her boots, Escara put some irritation cream on, and packed her bag quickly.

Walking back into the small room, she grabbed her thick black belt with several components, and stuck her lightsaber in the strap, hanging at her side, and made sure to grab her blaster from the nightstand. Finally, she brushed her chocolate-brown back into one of her favorite hairstyles, a direct replica of General Organa's braids. Escara left her quarters and found a passing battalion of stormtroopers running by, following Captain Phasma.

She followed behind them, only walking, and went to General Hux's office. She knocked on the door, and found that he was not in there. Escara let her mind reach out to find him. Command Deck 3, awaiting her. She  headed there at a quick jog, and found him waiting beside a TIE defender.

"Escara. I was expecting you to be here earlier." he said coldly.

"Good for you, but, luckily for me, I don't follow your agenda because I don't work for you. I HELP you." she said, walking up to him, casually crossing your arms.

"Yes indeed, General Escara." He said mockingly, and you rolled your eyes. Supreme Leader Snoke had given her the honorary General role, in order to ensure that those who worked for the First Order listened to her. "Thank you for you assistance in the battle yesterday."

"Anything for my favorite ginger." Escara said, slightly jokingly, and ran a hand down his face as she climbed into the TIE defender. He blushed and she waved goodbye to him, and began flicking levers and pushing buttons to get the engine started. She took off, without another look backwards. Getting ready, she flicked the final lever and entered lightspeed, and saw her home planet coming in close. She lived on the moon of Endor with the Ewoks, because they were good peoples and her presence kept them safe from the war. The First Order needed her and so did the Resistance.

You landed your TIE defender about 1 kilometer from her cottage. She walked there, taking her time to gather fruits and fill two canteens with water. Finally arriving at her cottage, she unsheathed her lightsaber and activated it, using her mind to reach out for any hostile presences. Finding none, she entered, and breathed in the familiar scent of peony and rosemary, and set her bag down. Escara's little cottage was her little heaven.

The Resistance had set up a small base town on the moon of Endor, and this adobe cottage painted light blue with a thatch roof was the healer's hut, a ways off from the village. One day, the First Order had attacked, decimating the village and killing most people living there. The trees and animals had been levelled, leaving room for the Ewoks, who never wanted to get involved, to build their own village. They agreed, because of her standings in the war, to let Escara stay.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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