Part 1: First Day of College

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"Huh? Ugh...already!!? I barely even got any sleep!" I slowly rise out of bed and yawn after turning off my alarm on my phone. I check the date and start to feel excitement rise in myself. I'm starting college classes with Yoosung today. We've only ever met once at the party a few weeks ago, but now I'll get to see him every day at school! As I'm getting dressed, I notice a notification from the messenger. It looks like 7 and Yoosung are online...I should join them!

707: Yoosung, don't you have classes today? Why were you up all night??
Yoosung: I didn't mean to stay up all night...I was just so focused on LOLOL that I lost track of time ;-;
Yoosung: I don't know what I'm going to do! Classes start in 2 hours and I'm so tired...
707: How won't make a very good introduction to your new teachers and classmates if you sleep through the entire day.
Yoosung: I know T_T and I don't want MC to see me with dark circles under my eyes at school either!
707: OH!! That's right, you two are going to the same college now. Poor're going to embarrass yourself in front of your crush!
Yoosung: T_T
707: WAIT!! Don't fret, GOD 7 HAS A SOLUTION! Doesn't your school have a coffee club or something? Why not get some while you're there and it'll for sure keep you up for the day!
MC has entered the chatroom
707: OMG! MC is here! Hi MC!!
You: Hello 7, hello Yoosung!
Yoosung: Hi, MC...I'm so tired
MC: You should've gone to bed earlier! I hope that coffee will help you stay awake at school today.
707: Speaking of school, look at the time. It's already 7:45 AM, shouldn't you two be heading for the bus?
Yoosung: OMG! We're gonna be late! Thanks for reminding us, 7. Bye!!
MC: Yeah, bye 7!
Yoosung has left the chatroom
MC has left the chatroom

I quickly grab my bag and stuff it with everything I'll need for the day. " I missing anything?" I look around and notice I almost forgot my laptop! I slip it into my bag quickly, then head out the door to the bus.

I walk off of the bus and see my new campus. 'Woah...this is nice' I think to myself. As I'm walking inside, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and my eyes meet with Yoosung's "Hey, MC!" His tired eyes look at me and a smile starts to grow on his face. Oh my god...he's so cute!! I start to blush immensely, and he notices. "Oh um...hey Yoosung! Are you still feeling tired?" He nods. "Yeah, I'm sure I'll feel better after having some coffee though."

We walk into the school together and he shows me around before classes start. "Hey, can I see your schedule, MC?" "Sure," I pull out the small paper from my pocket and hand it to him. He looks over it and looks up at me with a smile "We've got 3 classes together! I'm so excited" "Really? that's awesome!"

The bell rings and I follow Yoosung to the first class of the day, which we ended up having together. There is writing on the board up front, that says we can choose our own seats. "Let's sit together, MC." I smile and follow Yoosung to the two seats in the middle of the room. After the professor takes attendance, class starts, and seems to be going by very slowly. I catch Yoosung looking at me a few times while I take notes. It makes me blush, but I try to hide it by covering my face with my sweater.

As the day goes by, I find myself thinking about yoosung a lot...each class I've had with him was much more enjoyable than the ones without him.
The bell finally rings, signaling the end of the day. I grab my bag and head out of the doors of the school. I see Yoosung walking over to his bus and come to talk with him.

"Hey Yoosung! Did you enjoy the first day?" He shrugs. "For the most part, but I couldn't help myself from falling asleep in a few classes..." I giggled and looked at his eyes. They were a beautiful deep shade of purple. Surprisingly, the dark circles under his eyes complimented the shade. He noticed me looking into his eyes and blushed. "U-Um hey, MC?" "Yes?" He looked away and nervously asked, "Did you maybe want to um...come to my place and study later today?" My eyes widened "Oh! Sure, of course. What time?" "Is 4:30 okay?" I smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'll see you then. Text me the address!" He smiled nervously as he walked onto his bus and I walked onto mine, excited to hang out with him later.

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