chapter 3

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-5 years later-

Taima's pov

As i was waking up from my deep slumber i couldn't help but feel something different in my bones but i just couldn't lay my pec on it. My aliens opened a gate into another pool and gave me a signal i just thought that we going to do a one on one training session. To my surprise there floating at the back of the tank was the biggest bull i had ever seen. I couple of moments later we started to vocalize he was telling me about his family out in  the wild, i had never been so sympathetic in my life. We kept talking for what seems like minutes but then the gate opened again which i guess was my time to go back to the others. I can't wait to see him again. As soon as i got backinto the pool with my other family members i went straight to Katina to tell her everything of what just happened. Me and Katina are the best of friends we love to tell each other tell each other everything. I really hope i get to see him again i kinda get the feeling that i was the only one who cheered him up.

A couple of hours later me and Katina got took into another pool for a water work session which is not my favourite session because i don't like people in my space. See Katina loves it shes says she can see the happiness in the aliens eyes which she likes as kat is more compassionate then me.

Tilikum's pov

Tili's dream

I was dreaming about the ocean when memories came flowing back of the day of my capture. Me and the pod were swimming gracefully in the sunlite ocean when out of no where loud sounds of thrashing metal echoed through the waters current. The pod started to vocalize screams of anger. My mother, sisters and brothers started to charge to try and escape the pircing sounds these odd ceatures were making

"TILIKUM my mother screamed swim east i will catch you up."

" mum what about you " i screamed in fear.

"Tili remember you are strong and no matter what happens we all love you "

"I love you too oh and please tell ever one that" i scream with great dissapointment in my voice.

I continued to go east but arounds 20 minutes later i heard the voices of the ceatures again. Suddenly i felt something which was like dagers raking my skin  then all i knew was from then on i would be out of the ocean for the rest of my life.

I awoke from from my dream/ nightmare i don't know what to call it. In my bones i could feel something was going to happen  to me. A couple of hours later the  most beautiful attractive orca i had ever seen just swam straight past me. A few minutes laterwe started talking, she told me her name was taima. The best part of all was she was the only killer whale i could understand at this marine park. I started to feel like this was the happiest time of my exsitence in captivety. We started to get on like a house on fire when a gate opened amd yea you guessed it she signaled to go into another pool. Now back to the life of being stuck by myself for hours on end.

Everyone please tell me what you think as this is my first book. The next chapter will not be out qiuckly as my friend id writting the next part. Thank you for the reads

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