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I hummed 7 Minutes by Dean Lewis as I heard my name on the overhead speakers.

"Ivy Taylor to the office, please. Ivy Taylor." The speakers said.

I sighed and went to the stairs. I was in an adoption agency while the state of California was searching for my father. I knew I had one, I mean, I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But I had never met him. Mom would never tell me anything about him. She just told me he was a high school fling. State laws wouldn't let my grandparents keep me after my mom died, so I've been living in this place for what feels like forever.

In reality it's been a few weeks.

But a man that is this hard to track down, obviously doesn't want to be found. They should go ahead and give me up to my grandparents. I mean, they know me better than some random guy that I've never met. If he wanted to be in my life, he would have. I headed towards the office and was about to enter when I heard voices. I stood behind the wall so Mrs. Terry wouldn't know I was there.

"Look, there has to be some kind of mistake here. I do not have a child." A deep male voice said.

"You admitted you knew - and had a sexual relationship - with Stephanie Renee Taylor. You are listed as the father on the birth certificate, so you must take a DNA test under state law." Mrs. Terry said in a stern tone.

I heard the male sigh. I held my breath. The guy in this room is my father. I get to see him for the first time. The only thing I know about him is his name is Andy. And he liked music a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Was I ready to meet him? Well, I wanted to get out of this place, so yeah. I turned around the door frame and walked into the office. Mrs. Terry had her long blonde hair pulled up in a loose bun at the back of her head, as she always did. Her round, green, eyes were behind her small silver framed glasses. She's a plump lady in her early sixties and one of the nicest people I have ever met.

"Ahh, Ivy, nice of you to join us. Please sit down." Mrs. Terry said as she smiled and nodded to the second chair in front of the desk. The figure in the other chair, who was wearing all black, turned to look at me.

My heart was pounding so hard, I thought it would explode. When the figure turned, I got a good look at him. He looked young, maybe in his twenties, with sharp facial features. Tattoos covered his arms and a few parts of his neck while a silver hoop went through the right side of his nose. I looked at his long black hair before my eyes locked with his bright blue ones.

There was no way this man was my father.

"Sit." Mrs. Terry demanded. I gave a nod and hurried to the empty chair in front of the desk. She gave a smile, "Ivy, this young man is the man listed as your father on your birth certificate. The two of you are going to take a DNA test before you can be released to him."

"He's not my father. My mom wouldn't have dated anyone that looks like that." I said quickly.

The guy chuckled, "What is it about my looks that makes you think Steph wouldn't have dated me?"

"The tattoos, the piercing, the black clothes."

"You're telling me that Steph never had colorful hair, had her septum pierced, had snakebites, or wore all black?" The guy asked, a sharp black eyebrow raised.

I nodded, "She only wore all black to funerals."

"That doesn't sound like the girl I dated for eight months." The guy said.

Mrs. Terry sighed, "Okay, Ivy, what do you know about your father?"

"Let's see, his name is Andy and he loves music. That's it."

The guy beside me chuckled again, "She never said anything else?"

"She would tell me random stories. But nothing that would really pop out. Like he took her on dates and stuff." I replied.

"Did she ever mention the Six Flags date? Getting stuck on Roaring Rapids?"

She had told me that story. The big float they were on had gotten caught in a corner of the river. It was their third date, and they did a triple date. But how did he know about it? I bit my bottom lip and looked at the desk. I didn't want him to know he was right. He just wasn't the type of person my mom would have dated.

"It was a third date, and a triple date. Andy won her a-"

"A Hello Kitty from a bottle ring toss game." The guy finished.

I gave a nod. How did he know that? Mom wouldn't have dated him. Mrs. Terry clapped her hands, "Oh how rude, Ivy, this young man is Andrew Biersack. Andrew, this is Ivy Taylor."

I gave him a nod. What kind of last name is that? He must have a sack of beer on him. I held in a laugh. Mom would have made that pun. Mrs. Terry stood up, "Let's go to the clinic, now, shall we?"

A/N: I thought it would be fun to do this one. I don't know much about the personal lives of BVB so 🤷🏻‍♀️

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