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My girlfriend is baking something, and it smells soooo good.

This is why I fell inlove with her. She's a great pastry chef. I fell inlove with her food. I fell inlove with her. We are celebrating our 4th anniversary now.

Although I really love her, sometimes, I'm not that satisfied anymore. If you know her, she's quite boring, innocent and plain. She's not like other hot girls out there. Sometimes, I crave for....


But I never want to lose my girlfriend. No, I can't.

Though I think she never caught me. Currently, I'm seeing this hot chic I met at work. She's sooooooo damn hot as hell. She's fun to be with and is an opposite from my girlfriend. We've been hooking up for 3 weeks now, and I'm also afraid to lose her. She's too yummy to lose for pete's sake!

I just hope she won't catch me...

"Are you okay, love? The cake's almost done"

"A-ah.. I'm fine, love. I'm just thinking what movie is great to watch today.. for our date."

"Oh, right. Just wait a bit okay? I promise you, this is something yummy."

I noticed this girl I'm with, acts weird today.

Hmm.. About that yummy girl... She hasn't texted me since last night. How is she? I must call her again.

*stood up and went outside

Urgh. Babe, why aren't you answering my calls?

Nevermind. She might be busy. I went back to the kitchen and gave my girl a back hug.

"I love you, love"

"I love you too, love"


As I hugged her, something in her pocket fell..

A ring...


"L-love? W-where did you g-get this ring?"

IT'S HER RING. I'm sure of it. She told me this ring's very special for her because it's customized by her mother. There's no other ring designed like this in the entire world. Everytime I see her, she always wear this ring.

W-why does my girlfriend have it?! This belongs to that hot girl I hooked up! THIS IS BABE'S! IT'S HERS!

And the weird thing is.. It has a red stain.
Wait, Is this......

"Oh don't mind that ring, love."

"W-wait a m-min--"

"Where are you going, love? stay. I'm almost done and it's something yummy!"

"I-I'll be back. Wait"

I went outside again. I'm shaking. Something isn't right...

I texted her.

-Babe? Where are you?! I'm friking worried about you! Why aren't you answering my calls?!? And why is your ring here?!? why does it have BLOOD in it?!?! Are you okay?!? Did my girlfriend do something to you?! Call me as soon as you read this message!-

*text sent


"Babe! Finally you called! I was worried about you! Where ha---"

"Love. *sob* I already told you. *sob* Stay. I'm finally done and it's... *sob* something yummy."


That voice from my phone..

I'm sure it was Babe who called. W-why is it.. my girlfriends voice? And she's crying? I'm sure this is babe's number! Does she have her phone?! Has she caught us already? no...

I slowly walked through the kitchen. I saw my girlfriend... Standing. Crying. I looked at the phone beside her...

I-It isn't her phone...

It's not her phone...


"I'ts ready, love. And it's something yummy."
*wipes eyes*

She said as she pulled up a weird looking redish brown hairy cake... with fingers... as designs?

I froze. I can't move. No way. No. They're real. The fingers.. the hairs...

"Happy anniversary, Love. Get ready to gobble it up. It's SOMETHING YUMMY..."


SOMETHING YUMMY (short dark fiction) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now