Chapter 7

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Katlyn sighed. She was in the nursery with Hobi when she heard the front door open. She took the baby in her arms and went out of the room. She saw three boys down stairs who were frantically looking around. She felt the baby tug at her shirt and she looked own to see the baby smiling. Her motherly instincts took over and she hugged the baby closet to her. She went to the bathroom and grabbed a hair brush.

She locked the door and sat on the toilet. There were burglars in mind. She took out her phone and dialed Hoseok number.

"Hello?" He asnwered.

"Hoseok," she whispered.

"What's wrong?" He asked quietly.

"There's three men inside your home and they seem to be looking for something. I think it's a robbery," she whispered trying to stay calm for Hobi.

"Oh, that might be the maknaes. Go down stairs with me on the line, they don't know about you," Hoseok instructed.

She put him on speaker and unlocked the door and did as told. The "maknaes" when halfway up the stair case when they saw me with Hobi.

"Shit! Jimin there's a girl!" I sighed with the oh-so-familar name.

"She's fine, you scared her out of her wits though," Hoseok said through the line.

"Hoseok?" Jimin called. He looked around only to find me holding my phone.

"I'm on the phone you idiot," the elder said.

"Why is there a girl in your house? Holding a hairbrush and Hobi?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm Hobi's nanny, Katlyn," she told them.

"Oh! Nice to meet you Katlyn," Jungkook smiled.

"How old are you?" Jimin asked.

"She's 19," Hoseok said through the phone.

"She's really young to be a nanny," Taehyung commented.

"I am, but I know how to take care of a child. I've taken parenting classes," she sighed. Hobi then started crying. She dropped the hairbrush and adjusted her hold on the baby and set his ear next to her heartbeat. She pushed through the wall of boys and went down stairs to prepare a bottle.

"Its okay Hobi, I'm going to make you a bottle. I need one you boys to hold Hobi for me," she called out.

Taehyung came into the kitchen and looked skeptical about holding the baby. She held out her arms and showed him how to hold him. The baby started crying louder when Taehyung help him. His eyes shot open and he started panicking with the baby in his arms.

"Stay calm, he's just hungry," she told him.

"He wasn't wailing this loud before," Taehyung muttered.

She huffed and started his bottle. When she was done she took the baby and placed the nipple of the bottle in the baby's mouth. He stopped crying and suckled on the bottle. She hummed in content and sat on the couch in the living room. She got comfortable and adjusted the baby a little. The bottle fell out of his mouth and she could see the tears welling up again. She carefully picked up the bottle after wiping the nipple on her shirt. She placed it back in his mouth and he nuzzled his head into her.

"You're good with babies but are you sure that was sanitary?" Jungkook asked.

"The house is clean and it's not like the nipple touched the ground, I just wiped it for precautions," she explained.

"Can I try holding him?" Jungkook asked.

"No," Hoseok said startling the boys. "Come back to the studio. We're all waiting for you."

"You already signed the letter of resignation?" Jimin yelled.

Katlyn glared at the boy who made Hobi start crying again. Hobi kept pushing the bottle away everytime she tried putting it in her mouth. She groaned in frustration.

"난 숨쉬고 싶어 이 밤이 싫어, " Katlyn began to sing.

"이젠 깨고 싶어 꿈속이 싫어,

내 안에 갇혀서 난 줃어있어 ," her voice flowed through the air better than Jimin's ever had and everything was silent except for Hobi's crying, which was mellowing out, and her voice.

"Don't wanna be lonely,

Just wanna be yours," she cut her self off then because Hobi let the bottle slide into his mouth. She smiled at the baby and smoothed out the peach fuzz that he had for hair.

"Have you ever had vocal training?" Jungkook asked.

"Yeah. I was a trainee before I got pregnant," she nodded.

The boys mouths were hung open. She was really young and it explained why she had somewhat of a tummy on her. It was cute in the boys' eyes, but she was 19. She gave up being an idol for a baby.

"Do you miss being a trainee?" Hoseok  asked.

"Not really, it was hard work, especially two months pregnant. That's when I found out about," she trailed off. Her only thoughts were about her lost baby. She missed him dearly. She wished she had been able to bring him into her world. She suddenly felt sick.

"One of you, take Hobi," she ordered. She felt vile rising up her throat and she was not about to puke on the little one. Taehyung swiftly took the baby and after she was assured he was safe she ran to the powder room and threw up.

It was sickening. How could she have lost her baby? Why didn't he get the chance to have a life outside of the womb? Questions filled her mind and before she knew it she was sobbing. She thanked herself for setting her phone on the couch before running off.

She could hear murmuring at the door and her tears felt embarrassing to her. She hated crying. To her, it was a symbol of weakness. Her weakness meant everything to her though, a part of her knew it was okay to cry about Thomas. She gripped the toilet and stopped allowing herself to throw up. Crying was one thing, but throwing up was a whole different story.

She slowly leaned up and felt a stabbing sensation in her abdomen. She groaned in pain. The pain was awful, she moved her hand down to where the pain was, which was right above her baby bump. Her nausea came back and this time she kept it down.

She opened the door with a smile on her face. The boys looked fairly concerned about the girl. She felt her smile drop when she saw her phone in Jimin's hand.

"Areum?" Hoseok called out. "Jimin, I'm on my way over."

[Published September 10th, 2020]

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