12: Safe Place

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Auror Tina Goldstein-Scamander may be the no-nonsense, strict career girl in the Ministry, but to Newt, she's full of surprises and is so adorable when she wants to be.

Take that time when she came home from work in a sour mood one evening.

In all the years he has known his wife, Newt has learned that whenever Tina comes home in a foul mood, he should follow the procedure unofficially established in their home.

In short: do whatever she says and comfort her when she's not liable to blast your head off with one flick of her wand.

Newt had just finished washing the dishes after supper at that time. After drying and placing the last plate in the dish rack, he felt something wriggle its way into his arms. Looking at the figure presently attached to his being, Newt blinked.

"T-Tina?" he started, unmoving. "What...what are young doing?"

Tina groaned, tightening her arms around his chest and snuggling her face in his neck. "Hiding," was her reply. He felt her voice vibrate against the crook of his neck.

A chuckle found its way out his throat. "Don't you mean hugging, my dear?"

A pause.

A second later. "Did I stutter?" Tina mumbled, her voice sounding almost angry. Newt tensed, fearing that he made her mood worse. But, a soft giggle from the woman debunked his thoughts. She squeezed him, making him sigh in relief.

"This is my safe place," she whispered, propping her chin on his shoulder, her breath hot in his ear.

A warm feeling washed over Newt upon hearing that sentence. He smiled, leaning his head against hers. I'm...her safe place?

Then, Tina buried her face into his neck again. "Now shut up and put your arms around me, you dork," she ordered.

Newt huffed out a laugh and obliged, holding her tight against him, and swaying them both slowly.

[Edited and Re-uploaded: August 8, 2020]

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