Chapter 20*

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It's Saturday. Christian's birthday. I already wrote him a text message with my wishes and now I'm getting ready for his party. I take a shower, blow dry my hair and curl it. I get dressed in a black long strapless dress with some small golden details and black pumps. I put some golden jewelry on and put my stuff in my golden clutch.

When I go downstairs, my mom says: "Honey, you look so great."

"Thank you Mom." I smile.

"Lynn, don't you think that you're a little overdressed? " Dad says.

"No, I don't think so."

"She looks good. Let's go." Mom says defending me.

When we arrive at the restaurant, Christian stands up and walks towards us. He looks great in his blue button down shirt and his black skinny jeans. I'm so lucky to call him my boyfriend, well not in public, but in my heart!

"Happy Birthday." Dad says and hugs him. My mom follows.

"Happy Birthday." I say.

"Thanks. " he says.

I hug him and he whispers: "You look gorgeous, Babe."

I blush. We sit down and order our food. After eating we drive to Christian's apartment. It automatically feels like home to me, but it's different with so many other people around. Remember, when Christian invited us to his birthday and I was so worried about crying because his place reminded me of our break up, it seems like it happened ages ago and I'm so glad that it changed and that we're back together. After all that back and forth, this feels just right.

My parents are sitting on the couch and are talking to Alex and some other people, while I head over to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"Hey beautiful. " Christian whispers in my ear from behind. I turn around smiling.

"Hey handsome old man."

"Ouch that hurts. I'm not that old."

"Yeah, of course not. " I smirk at him.

"I'll give you your present when we're alone. I coulnd't fit it in my bag." I add smiling.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"It's just something small."

"Then why didn't it fit in your bag?" He smirks. I hit his arm playfully and we laugh together.

"I want to introduce you to Nick. " he says then.

"Yeah sure." I smile .

We go back to the living room where a man Christian's age stands. I have to admit that he's really handsome too. 

"Hey man." He says.

"That's Lynn. Lynn, that's Nick."

"Hey. Nice to finally meet you. " I say. He gives me his hand and I shake it.

"So you're the one that twisted Christian's head?" He smirks.

"Yeah, I think that's me." I smile.

"He told me a lot about you."

"I hope just good things." I say.

"There are just good things, honey." He says. This is so cliche, but I smile anyway. I really want to kiss him right now, but I obviously can't.

"Alright I leave you two love birds alone, see you around Lynn." Nick says.

"It was nice meeting you." I say.

"I really want to kiss you." Christian whispers.

"Me, too. I just thought the same."

I go back to where my parents are staying,  in a corner of the living room, talking to an older couple, who look around 60.

"Hi." I say.

"Oh Lynn. These are Christian's parents, Lauren and Ryan. That's our daughter." my Dad says.

"I'm Lynn. Nice to meet you." I smile.

"My pleasure, Sweetie. You look so beautiful." Lauren says.

"Thank you" I smile at her. She is really nice.

"Can I ask how old you are?" Ryan asks.

"Of course. I'm turning 18 next month. "

"Do you want to go to college later?" Lauren asks.

"I do, I just haven't decided on a major yet." I answer.

Then they are talking to my parents agian.

I join Christian and some of his friends, who are sitting in the dinning room. Nick and him are the only one I know.

"Lynn, play with us." he shouts.

"What are you playing?"

"Never have I ever."


"Come on. Take a beer and sit down." Nick says. None of dads friends are inside so I take a bottle and sit down across from Christian.

"Never have I ever had a threesome." One of them said. Just two people are taking a sip of their bottle.

"Lynn, your turn." christian says.

"Never have I ever skipped school." I say, everyone has to drink, besides me of course.

"Never have I ever dated someone older than me." someone said. I drink, just like almost everyone else.

"Never have I ever dreamed about a teacher." Nick says smirking. Me and two others are drinking. Christian smirks at me.

"Never have I ever broke any of my bones." Christian says. Beside me, everyone drinks.

"Never have I ever woken up next to someone I don't know and didn't remember anything." Just one of the group drinks. Everyone else laughs. It's my turn again.

"Never have I ever had sex." I say, even though I have no clue why I said this. It's embarrassing in front of Christians friends and him. I mean, we never talked about that topic. My mouth was faster than my brain, again. I hate games like that, because I can never come up with so many creative things to say and I always end up saying something embarrassing, but this is the worst thing that ever came out of my mouth during a drinking game.

Everyone drinks. Christian looks at me for the rest of the game. I can't guess what's on his mind. I have a clue - obviously. But I'm already a little worried about the conversation that is now unavoidable.

When my parents enter the dinning room, my bottle is only half empty. They tell me that we are leaving so we say our good byes to everyone. While I hug Christian, he whispers: "We need to talk"

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