Brian x Randy (Part 3 - The Finale)

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"Do you need help?!!" Randy shouted, coughing with each word. 

Brian thought for a moment, and turned back to his laptop where he typed something in very quickly. 

Abruptly standing up, he topped his head with his Fez and grabbed his laptop. 

Though, something was off... 

The fire surrounding them had somehow charred a hole in the center of Brian's fez. 

Instinctively, Brian inserted his black ponytail-like braid through the hole. It fit perfectly. 

"Ohoho!" he laughed condescendingly. 

"Sure, I could use some tea."

"And by tea, I mean drama. But actual tea works too."

(Brian's laugh 'reference,' but imagine fire surrounding person in video)

Randy didn't understand, but was flattered by Brian's bizarre tone anyway. 

"Tea?" Randy asked, befuddled.

"Yes, tea." 

"All I have is Salmon-Scented Chamomile, is that okay?"  


Randy zoomed into the kitchen to locate the tea. 

He reached his hand through burning cabinets, scoured every ashen shelf, and rummaged through the garbage.

Eventually, he encountered the last tea bag of Naturally Flavored, Non-GMO, 0 sugar, Gluten Free Salmon-Scented Tea in a broken pot. 

It was on fire. 

Quickly, he filled a fish cup with lukewarm water and inserted the burning tea bag inside. The bag dissolved like ash into the cup. 

The tea was ready.

"Here you go," Randy offered the tea. 

Brian snatched the cup through the burning debris. "Took you long enough." 

Instantly, Brian poured the cup of tea over the burning debris and stomped on the Fish Cup, shattering it to bits. 

Miraculously, the fire dissipated. 

It worked! 

"Incredible. Who knew Naturally Flavored, Non-GMO, 0 sugar, Gluten Free Salmon-Scented Tea was as good as a fire extinguisher?"

Randy wasn't nearly as pleased.

"That was my favorite cup."

Brian took a picture of Randy's displeased demeanor.  

"Now isn't the time to grieve for your cup! Let's get the hell out of here!" 

Grabbing Randy's muscular, cleanly shaven arms, the svelte Brian hauled Randy to the elevator, which was somehow still operational.

"I would say I'm sorry about the whole 'blimp' thing, but I would be lying," Brian whistled as they waited for the elevator to descend.

"So it was you who crashed here." 

"Well done, detective, you figured it out!" Brian replied sarcastically. 

Randy frowned. 

He wasn't as ecstatic as he thought he'd be to realize the culprit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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