Chapter 27

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Giyuu's POV

My heart raced as I rushed through the halls of the Butterfly Estate. I knew something could go wrong, but something as horrible as this broke my heart. I should have gone with them. I could have helped. I could have lessened the harm that befell upon her.

I knew there was something wrong as I let her go on that mission. I should have stopped her. I felt like this was my fault in some way. I felt like I could have done something. Should have done something.

I finally came to a halt in front of one room. The room that belonged to her. The girl that I loved so much. I wanted to go in and check to make sure she was okay, but at the same time, I stopped in a moment of anxiety. I was scared to go in. I didn't want to see the affirmation that she was actually hurt, and pretty badly as well.

I didn't want to see her in so much physical pain nor mental pain, because I knew that the death of the Flame Pillar would hurt her so much. Even if I did get jealous of her affection towards the pillar I knew she saw him in a familial way, and that meant that she just lost yet another part of her family. Maybe the only part she had left.

I shook the anxious thoughts out of my head and took one deep breath bracing myself for whatever I was about to see when I walked into the room. I knocked quietly on the door almost hoping not to be heard.

A little part of me was hoping that (Y/N) would be the one that would open the door, but I was greeted by the Butterfly Pillar instead. She opened the door a crack for me and ushered for me to quickly slip in. I quickly did as the female instructed and slipped inside the darkroom.

I blinked a couple of times allowing for my eyes to adjust to the darkness that surrounded the room. After a few moments, my eyes seemed to adjust and my eyes fell on (Y/N) who was laying in a bed unconscious. My eyes widened in shock at the sight that was in front of me and I couldn't help but be at a loss for words. I couldn't even ask what happened to her.

(Y/N) laid on the bed unconscious and seemingly in pain. Her arm that she utilized to hold her sword was cut off forearm down. I opened my mouth to ask Shinobu what happened, but no words came out. All I could do was stare at her broken body in defeat.

The Butterfly Pillar let out a tired sigh as she just shook her head. She positioned herself against the wall as she readied herself for the explanation that she knew I needed. "Rengoku-San and (Y/N) encountered Upper Moon Three after successfully killing a Lower Moon," the pillar began to explain.

I cringed at the thought of them encountering an Upper Moon and number three at that. It must have been so exhausting, especially after just defeating a Lower Moon before. "From what the Kamado kid told me and the other two that hang out with him it sounded like Rengoku-San mainly fought the Upper Moon and once the sun started to rise the demon began to flee. And then that's when (Y/N) chased after the demon and got mainly injured."

I nodded slowly, but that didn't explain everything to it. Like why was she in a dark room all isolated from all the other patients in the Butterfly Estate. Whenever she was injured before she would be where all the other patients were, so it didn't make sense.

"There are other implications as well, especially concerning why she is here." Shinobu started after she noticed my continuing confusion. "When the kakushis arrived at the scene, Rengoku-San was shielding her from the sun while Kamado and the others were assisting as well. Of course, this was confusing and rather concerning without an explanation, but the Kamado boy explained that during the fight (Y/N) started to take on more demon-like characteristics."

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