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Todorokis POV:

"You can go but be careful" the recovery girl gave me a small wave before I left, why do people care about me?

They dont

Shut up

No one loves you

Please stop

Who would love a pathetic waste of space like you?

I felt tears run down my face its right, who would love me? "Icyhot?" I felt a hand on my shoulder "B-Bakugou" I stuttered "why are you crying?" he asked in a worried tone; before I could answer Kirishima and Midoriya came "no reason" I wipe my tears away "Icyhot just because they're here doesnt mean you cant tell me" I started to shake "are you ok Todoroki-kun?" Midoriya asked "your shaking" I didnt answer I just dropped to my knees and let the tears run down my face

Your pathetic

Shut up

Your weak

Shut up


Shut up

Shut up


"Todoroki-kun!" I couldn't answer "Todoroki we're here for you" I felt Kirishima pull me into a hug "y-you cant h-h-help me" Midoriya started to rub my back while Bakugou ran his fingers through my hair "Todoroki-kun you have to tell us whats wrong so we can help" I felt so safe around them "how about we go to Midoriyas house and we watch a movie?" Kirishima suggested "o-ok let me tell my d-dad" I pulled out my phone and walked away so I could get some privacy

Shoto- I will be doing some training with my friends I might be home late

Endeavor- Fine

I let out a sigh of relief and went back to the others "he said yes" my eyes started to burn and go red from all the crying "ok lets go" Midoriya said with enthusiasm, I grabbed my stuff and started walking to Midoriyas house.

I sat on Midoriyas bed which was really bouncy "how about we watch IT" we all agreed and turned Midoriyas tv on and put the disc in, the movie wasnt that scary "aah" Midoriya let out a small yell as he hugged Bakugou "Icyhot you good?" Bakugou asked "mm oh yeah im... Fine" I was far from fine but nobody notices "ok" he didnt seem to believe it 

You should be dead by now 

Please stop

Just die already

Get out of my head

"Hey" Kirishima lightly tapped my shoulder "yeah" I only just realized how close he was to me "I got scared so I accidentally hugged you sorry" he said apologetically "oh no its fine" I gave him a small smile before looking at the tv screen.

Bakugous POV:

The movie ended "woah that was scary" Deku said "Icyhot-" I look over to see Icyhot asleep 'thats kinda cute' I shook the thought away "what do we do?" Kirishima asked as he ran his fingers through Todorokis hair "my bed is big enough for the four of us" I saw a light blush crawl onto Dekus cheeks "ok" Kirishima got into bed and cuddled Todoroki while Deku cuddled Kirishima leaving me to cuddle him (that may not have made sense).

I woke up to a ray of sunlight shining on my face "morning Kacchan" Deku said softly "morning" I pulled him close to me and gave him a quick kiss, I noticed Todoroki was cuddling Kirishima "thats cute" Deku said "can I talk to you?" I need to get this of my chest I shouldn't have feelings for Todoroki but I do "uh sure" we both quietly got out of bed and went downstairs "so what do you want to talk about" I could tell he was worried "I was thinking maybe we could be a foursome" I slightly blushed at the thought of being with Todoroki "with who?" "uh Todoroki" I saw Dekus eyes light up "I would love to but we should ask Kiri if he wants to aswell" I hope Kiri says yes "morning" I saw Todoroki coming down the stairs in his... Boxers?! (he had a shirt on) "uh h-hi" I stutter I already know im blushing like crazy "am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked "no" I say "oh shoot we gotta get to school" Deku said, we all rushed upstairs and woke Kiri up before getting dressed.

Class was boring as usual but after lunch I saw Todoroki rush to the toilet 'he probably needs to pee' I thought before I continued to talk with Kiri and Deku "did you see how fast Todoroki went to the bathroom" Kiri pointed out "he probably needs to pee" I say hopefully im right. 

Todorokis POV:

It was 15:30 and I was currently sitting on the edge of the UA roof 'its so peaceful' I breathed in the cold air allowing a small smile to creep onto my face, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket 

 <1 new message from Bakugou>


Huh? How did he know I was up there? I look down to see Bakugou, Kirishima and Midoriya 

Shoto- Its nice up here

Bakugou- Please get down its dangerous

Shoto- Fine

I sighed and got down from the ledge and made my way to the others.

You should've jumped


Before I could degrade myself anymore Bakugou pulled me into a tight hug "YOU COULD'VE DIED! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" he exclaimed "I wasnt gonna do anything I just needed some time alone" I could tell he was worried "im glad your ok" Midoriya said "I have to go home bye" I didnt want to go home I was already 10 minutes late, I knew what was going to happen and I wasnt looking forward to it...

Word count: 927

Whats the point of living? (Kiritodobakudeku) (DISCONTINUED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant