Daichi {Lemon}

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When we reached Daichi's house I noticed that his parents cars weren't in the driveway, though I didn't comment on it. His parents work late sometimes so I'm assuming that's where they are.

He opened the front door letting me walk in first before following me closing the door behind us. We slipped off our shoes, him handing me a pair of extra slippers before we walked further into his house. "You want a snack?" He asked walking into his kitchen while I walked to his room to set my bags down, "Sure!" I called from his room pulling out my binder and pencil case setting them on his bed as I sat down in the floor.

Daichi walked in holding a bowl of popcorn, he closed his door and set the bowl on the floor as he sat in front of me pulling his own binder out from his backpack. As he helped me with my homework we would toss popcorn in our mouths. "Thanks Daichi, for helping me with my homework. I'd be lost without you." He blushed slightly and gave me a cheeky grin, "It's not problem Y/N, I know you have a lot on your plate right now. Besides, I don't mind helping you out. You are my friend after all."

Friend zoned..

"Right." I smiled back and continued to do my homework. After another hour my breasts started to become unbearably sore, then it struck me that I was still wearing my binder. I shifted shoulders and chest to try and relief some of the soreness but it only made it hurt more. "You okay Y/N?"

"Uh...yeah. it's just that uh...my binder hurts." I sat my work down and stood up walking to his door, "I'll be right back." I went to his bathroom taking off my volleyball jacket and white shirt. I unhooked my chest binder and sighed loudly I'm relief as my medium breasts bounced with freedom. "Oh thank God." I whispered rubbing them softly before putting my shirt back on. I grabbed my binder and jacket leaving the bathroom and going back to Daichi's room, I threw my clothes on my backpack and laid on the floor on my back huffing at the soreness I till felt.

Daichi looked over at me, a small smile on his lips, "Fell better?" I laid my hands by my head, "Yeah, I just wore it too long today. Just sore is all."

He closed his binder sitting it on his bed, "How long do you think you can keep this up? If you're that sore after 4 hours how sore do you think your gonna be after long matches?"

"I don't know, I'll think of something." He held his hand out to me to take, "Come here." Putting my hand in his he lifted me up and laid me in between his legs, my back on his chest.

Me and Daichi have this friends with benefits relationship, we both just want sex, nothing more, nothing less. We care for each other deeply as friends, we grew up together after all, but we've talked about being in an actual relationship but we agreed that it wasn't for us. But we trusted each other to take the other's virginity, that's just how me and Daichi are.

Daichi ran his large warm hands under my shirt and trailing them up to cup my breasts before he softly massaged them to ease the soreness away. He understands my reasons for wearing it during P.E. when I practice Volleyball, and when I run, and he supports me wholeheartedly.

"You could cause some damage if you keep on Y/N, and that-" he left a soft kiss on my neck, "Would be a damn shame." My body shivered with desire, his already deep voice now husky with want for my body. I am short, and have a small frame, my body is built like a 12 year old with curves and boobs, not to mention a cute ass, which Tanaka has already noticed. So having Daichi's large hands on my body was like a blanket to me, when he holds onto my waist his fingers almost touch. He says he likes it because it makes him feel huge, in all ways you can imagine.

As he continued to rub the soreness out of my breasts, he left little kisses down my neck. He spread his legs wide, bringing his knees up so I could rest my arms over them. "Daichi~" I whispered laying my head back on his shoulder, "Hmm?"

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