The door that opened.

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Aizawa's POV:

I couldn't tell if the knock was angry or panicked so I hesitated for a moment before opening it. Unfortunately, none of my thoughts could prepare me for who was there.

On the other side stood a boy. He had red and white hair and heterochromatic eyes that were filled with tears. His pale lips were stained with blood, and his face looked so much older than it should.

His head was bleeding, his hand was obviously broken and He had his none broken hand wrapped around his abdomen. His body was way too skinny and his arms were covered in bruises.

"Who did this to you kid!" I exclaimed making the boy flinch. That probably shouldn't be my first question but I really wanted to kill whoever is responsible.

Even if I didn't know this teenager I knew he didn't deserve this. Nobody did.

Yamada came up behind me and let out a small gasp. "Oh sweetie, come inside and sit down Please," he said guiding the trembling boy to the couch.

I could tell this made the boy nervous but he said nothing as he followed Yamada. His tear-soaked eyes never leaving the floor.

"What is your name honey?" Yamada asked gently kneeling down to the teen's level.

"Shoto" the boy mumbled out fresh tears falling down his reddened cheeks.

"Who did this to you?" Yamada asked his eyes were watering but he was doing a good job keeping it together.

"Y-you won't believe me. Y-you w-will send me back." The boy sobbed out whimpering in pain as his chest heaved.

"Kid we want to help you but, we can't if you don't tell us who did this," I say softly hoping this kid will trust me.

Shoto hesitated a moment before answering. "My dad" he finally said looking at his lap and cradling the wrist of his injured hand.

"What is your father's name sweetie?" Yamada asked a tear slipped down Yamada's cheek but he quickly wiped it away.

"E-enji Todoroki. Please don't send me ba-ack!"

I stood in shock. I worked with Enji and he put a bad taste in my mouth the first time I met him. I knew I should've looked into him. This was my fault.

I'm snapped by my thoughts when Yamada said he was gonna call the cops. I make my way to turn off the stove so the soup doesn't burn.

I serve three bowls and invite the boy to the dining table. He agrees and hesitantly eats his soup looking at me like I'm gonna take it away any moment.
Yamada sits down at some point but neither of us eats. Our appetites were gone.

By the time the cops knock on the door, Shoto had finished his soup. The EMTs look Shoto over and we decide to go to the hospital first. There we found out the boy had three broken ribs, a concussion, and his hand was broken.

After that, we went to the police station. We could have waited till the morning but Shoto insisted on doing it tonight.

We were in the waiting room when Yamada started talking.

"Sho. Do you think maybe we could help Shoto?" He asked his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was sticking out everywhere.

"We already helped him," I said giving my husband a questioning squint.

"Well I was wondering if maybe we could help him well more permanently?" He answered.

"You want to adopt him?" I ask quietly.
I can't say I wasn't guilty of the same thing but I didn't think Yamada of all people would want a kid.

"Yes, we shouldn't save him then just leave him. I feel like we should stick by his side. He shouldn't have to be alone anymore." Yamada says his eyes watering again.

"O-okay let's do it," I say.

"Detective Aizawa? This kid would like you to be present during the interview."
An officer said awkwardly.

"Okay let's go," I say looking at Yamada who simply waves me to go ahead.

"Our kid needs you." He whispers right before I walk away.


Shoto's POV:

I moved in a daze. Fully aware of what was going on but not really paying attention. I felt like my father was going to walk through that door at any moment and say I was lying.

After we went to the police station they took me to a room with a mirror and a camera. A lady started asking questions but I couldn't bring myself to answer it all felt fake.

"Is there someone you would like to come sit with you during this? Maybe someone that makes you feel more comfortable?" The lady asked she held a sweet smile even though I was refusing to speak.

"Aizawa," I mumble looking at my hands. He made me feel safe if I had to pick someone to be here I wanted him.

I wasn't paying attention to what the lady said. I noticed a stain on the table. It looked like it might be coffee.

I jumped as someone laid their hand on my shoulder. Looking up I realized it was Aizawa. His eyes held sympathy and a slight sadness I hated to see on him.

"Hey, kiddo. I need you to tell them what happened it's the only way to save you" Aizawa said smiling at me slightly as he sat down.

That's when I decided I was gonna end this. I was going to tell them what my father did, and I was finally gonna be free.


Dear diary

It took about two hours for the interview to end. I told them everything. Aizawa supported me through everything even when I was weak and cried. They were going to arrest my father and I would be free from him.

My heart was filled to the brim with joy my mind with peace, and for once I'm relaxed. I don't even have to go through foster care! Aizawa and Hizashi are my temporary guardians.

So for now I can start working on being okay. Maybe even start acting like a normal kid and ignoring my father's voice.

- Shoto

So I changed this from the original a little bit but I kinda like how it turned out.
As always thanks for reading and feel free to leave constructive criticism
In the comments.


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