Don't poison children.

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Shouta's POV:

After we got back from the station Shoto and Yamada went to bed. I stayed in the kitchen going through Shoto's medical files. It was pretty long I'm surprised enji wasn't caught before now.

I was reading about the time his mother burned his face with water when I decided to take a break. How could someone do that to their own child? Granted I don't what she was going through at the time for all I know she was enduring Enji's torture as well.

I was pulled from my thoughts when I felt Yamada's arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" I ask looking up at him.

"I could say the same thing to you." He shoots back giggling at my unimpressed face.

"Well, I want to know what we're getting ourselves into by doing this," I say opening another file and sighing at the sight.

"Well we can't leave him he needs us," Yamada says. Kissing the top of my head.

Before I respond we hear shuffling come from the hallway. Turning we see a pale and shaking Shoto.

"Did you have a bad dream kid?" I ask even though I already know the answer. How could he not have nightmares?

He nods and looks at his feet a slight blush on his face. "I'm sorry" he whispers curling in on himself slightly.

"There's no need to be sorry kiddo! How about we watch some TV until your ready to go back to bed." Yamada answers giving the kid a sad look.

Shoto nods in agreement but doesn't move until Yamada and I do. We decide to have a movie marathon starting with inside out. Shoto only made it about halfway through before sleeping though.

I look down at the mess of blond hair that's on my chest and know immediately that he is also asleep.

I smile slightly at the love of my life as he snores loudly then I glance at Shoto who is drooling on the sofa. Eventually, I feel myself start to drift off.


I wake to the smell of bacon. Shoto is still on the couch but the yellow mane of my man is gone.  I hope he ordered food and isn't trying to cook for the poor child.

I stand with a groan and glance at the mantle clock it reads 10:30 and I'm relieved I said I needed a few weeks off to bond with Shoto.

As I enter the kitchen I see Yamada trying to turn almost black bacon that is stuck to the pan.

"What did I tell you about cooking?" I scolded Turning the stove off and placing the pan in the sink.

"Shut up I'm a great cook!" Yamada says defensively while he playfully slaps my arm.

I turn at the sound of footsteps to see a wide-eyed Shoto halfway through the doorway. An awkward silence passes through the kitchen as we all stare at each other.

I know how that probably looked to his traumatized eyes but what are we supposed to say?

"Why don't we go out for breakfast?" I finally offer hoping to break the tension in the room.

"Yeah! Let's go get dressed!" Yamada exclaimed making his way to the bedroom. I followed closely until I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"All my clothes are with Dad," Shoto says looking at the ground.

"Use some of mine there is some in your closet," I respond as we both make our way to a change.


Shoto's POV:

We went to a pancake house for breakfast Yamada was really excited to come here. Shouta said it's cause he's childish.

Yama and Shouta were talking about something when I heard a familiar voice shout my name. I instantly knew who it was and let out a tired sigh.

He's my friend or at least I think he is although we don't hang out still he always says hi and tries to cheer me up if he notices I'm sad.

Shouta and Yamada give me a questioning look as the blonde boy makes his way to our table. The bright red hair of his best friend following closely behind him.

Who is this boy you might ask, well he's the one and only Katsuki Bakugo.


Yamada's POV:

Sho and I were discussing the importance of pancakes when someone shouted Shoto's name. Both of our heads snapped up to see a spikey-haired blonde making his way through the maze of tables towards us.

We look at Shoto and receive a hesitant look in return.

"Half and Half! Long time no see! We haven't seen each other since summer started!" The blond scolded loudly.

"H-hey Baku sorry I've just been busy with summer stuff," Shoto responded scratching the back of his neck.

"Who's your friend Shoto?" I ask casually as Shoto glared at the teens in distrust.

"Oh! Th-this is Bakugo Katsuki. Katsuki this is Hizashi and Aizawa." Shoto says blushing slightly. A smirk settled on Bakugo's face as Shoto grew more and more embarrassed.

"Well cutie we're going to go eat but here's my number feel free to text me anytime," Bakugo said scribbling his number on a napkin and winking at the dual haired boy as he handed it over.

"Yeah, s-sure Baku heh," Shoto said blushing even brighter.

I feel my smile grow as I realize that Shoto has it bad for Bakugo and is probably too innocent to realize it.

Can this kid get any cuter?


No, no he can't get cuter. So anywho I hope you enjoy reading about our poor depressed pokéball and his bad socializing. If nothing else I hope you like obvious Bakugo and oblivious Shoto.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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