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Harriet woke up and immediately tried to sit up. She became more and more confused when she realised she couldn't sit up and she was in a place she did not recognise. Quickly getting more alarmed, she looked down by her arms to find restraints and the same for her legs. Then, it hit her. "Shit.." She sighed as she let her head fling back onto the pillow. A few minutes later, she heard someone walk in but whoever it was, it was not good for her.

"Hello "Jessica"." A female voice had said upon entering the room. Harriet looked up, intrigued by the female voice. She felt her eyes widen a little when she saw Black Widow in the room with her.

"Soooo, you finally found me.." Harriet said, avoiding eye contact with the only other person in the room.

"Yeah, you've been hiding pretty well but we don't give up," Natasha scoffed, walking closer to where Harriet lay, "Want these arm restraints off? Can't take off your leg ones but better than having them both on."

"Yes, please," Harriet blurted out "They are pretty uncomfortable." A few seconds later, her hands were free and she quickly shook them, trying to get the feeling back in them. Now that she was more comfortable, she took a look at the room she was being held in. The whole room was windows, meaning she was being watched from every angle. That made her uncomfortable.

"How long have I been asleep?" Harriet questioned, genuinely wondering. All she remembered before waking up was being disturbed and being stabbed in the neck with something that made her go to sleep.

"About 24 hours. Sorry for stabbing you by the way. I had to bring you in and well, I was not willing to take you while you were conscious, " Natasha replied, opening the door to leave, "I should probably talk to the others and see what they want to do since you are kind of dangerous. But, I enjoyed talking to you." And with that, Natasha closed the door and Harriet was alone again. She felt like her and Nat could be great friends but she couldn't really do much stuck inside a glass box that gave her no privacy.


It had been what felt like hours before she heard the door open again. Hoping for Nat, she quickly lifted her head up and exclaimed, "Nat?!" without actually looking at who was.

"Guess again, Goldie locks." Replied the person. Since she was expecting Nat, she furrowed her brows in confusion before rolling her eyes and flinging herself back onto the bed. She could tell by the voice who it was. That voice was recognisable from anywhere. It was Tony Stark.

"What do you want?" She said, clearly annoyed with his presence. The last person she wanted to see was either Stark or Fury, they were equally as bad. He replied with a sarcastic gasp to which Harriet just rolled her eyes.

"That's not as welcoming as you were to Romanoff there but I'll allow it," Just like Natalie did, he started to walk closer to where Harriet lay and sat at the end of the bed, "Your powers, dangerous things. They landed you here but how did you get them?" One thing Harriet noticed was that he gestured a lot using his arms. Of course, she was still hesitant and refused to answer his question verbally. She only gave him a glare as she turned to look the other way. "Fine, don't give me an answer. I'm not losing anything." He shrugged his shoulders and exited the room. 

She waited a few minutes before relaxing on the bed again just to make sure that Tony had left her alone. She knew they'd figure out a way to get her to talk eventually but she would rather wait until that moment. When she was deep in her thoughts about how she was going to go back to a normal life IF she would even go back to a normal life. At that moment, she yelped in pain as she felt a severe pain in her forehead. She knew it was only a split second but it felt so much longer. She wondered if that would be their way to get her to talk and she wouldn't be surprised if it was. She just wanted to sleep and pray that this was all a really bad dream. So, she did.


When she woke up, she realised she was in the same room she fell asleep in. She swore under her breath when she finally admitted to herself that she wasn't dreaming. Her hands held her head as she felt tears form in her eyes. She didn't mean for any of this to happen, she didn't even know how she got them which is part of the reason she didn't answer Tony's question. She wanted nothing more than to just go home and go back to a normal life. No powers, no explosion, a happy family. But no, she had to live with the guilt knowing that she killed her only family. Maybe she was a monster. And maybe she should just answer their questions so they can just hurry and lock her up. Or at least, that's what she thought and believed.


She heard the door open and quickly lifted her head up, wiping the tears off of her face. "Who is it?" She said with a shaky voice,  holding back her tears.

"Don't worry, it's only me," Natasha reassured her, "I talked Tony into letting me talk to you instead. He's a bit... Blunt." Harriet gave a slight chuckle. Natasha then went on to explain how in order to help Harriet, they needed to know how she got her powers and what they actually were.

"I-I would answer...." She started, starting to look disappointed in herself, "But I don't even know the answer myself. They just came and.." This time, she failed to hold back the tears. They all just came flooding out as Natasha pulled her in for a hug. She tried to stop her sobbing countless times but she kept failing. A sudden breeze hit both of them as they shivered upon impact.

"Was that you-" Natasha said, confused and in shock. She pointed a finger towards Harriet while her mouth was slightly open.

"I-I-I don't know?" Harriet stuttered, also trying to comprehend what had just happened. Was it her? Nat explained that she had to tell Tony so they could figure out how to help her as she was just a teenage girl. Although Harriet was reluctant, she let her go and five minutes later, she reentered the room with Tony.



dude this is so long um sorry about that. ik theres mistakes in here and maybe characters are a bit off but im trying and if i am writing one wrong, let me know. ive got a good idea of what her powers are and what they an do so i hope u guys are excited for that. again sorry for how long this chapter is but i did like writing it so i hope its alright for u. im gonna go but see u guys next chapter!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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