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{Vegeta's POV}

Lord Frieza summoned me again. As far as I know, I haven't done anything that might anger him. He might just be bored and wants to toy with me again. Great. Someday that bastard will pay for treating me the way he does.

As I walked down the hallway, anyone passing by pressed themselves to the wall. It's quite funny actually. Knowing that these fools are utterly terrified of me. But, when I got to Frieza's throne room, I saw Zarbon guarding the door. How I hate the pretty-boy buffoon.

"Hey, Monkey Boy," He said mockingly. "Lord Frieza has a surprise for you."

"Oh?" I said. I looked away from him, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yes. We just got a new shipment of slaves," He paused," from AZARATH." He flipped his green bangs from his face.

I froze. As much as I wanted to say something, my mouth would not Cooperate. Azarath? But. . . How could he? I thought he had made a deal with the Azarathians. And. . . Did he. . .?Oh gods. Please, tell me he didn't. . .

I shook myself out of my thoughts. Composing myself, I entered the room. Frieza sat at the far end of the windowless, cold room in his usual chair.

"Lord Frieza, you summoned me?" I bowed when I got as close to him as I could stand.

"Yes, my Princeling. I have a special surprise for you," He said. His voice is so annoying. So high pitched and feminine. "You may stand."

I stood, placing my hands behind my back. "A surprise, My Lord?" I asked. I hope I seemed calm on the outside, because I was shaking on the inside.

Frieza stood, walking slowly toward me. "That's right. Now, come with me," he wrapped his slimy tail firmly around my wrist and dragged me into a hidden passage-way behind his 'throne.'

At the end of the dark hallway, Frieza opened a door that led into a dimly lit room. "Line up the new prisoners!" He demanded.

Two guards came in through another door with at least nine prisoners in tow. One caught my eye immediately. Short; Spiked, blonde hair and pail skin. His purple eyes framed with dark circles. His tail, wrapped around his left leg and trembling, was virtually hairless. He looked starved.

Kakarot. My best friend. My koi.

I feared this would happen, but I'm not surprised in the littlest. It's just like Frieza to betray such a peaceful race for no logical reason.
The guards lined up all of the prisoners along the wall opposite of Frieza and me.

"You have been so good lately, I figured I should reward you." Frieza said. "Pick one. Which ever one you choose, is yours." He leaned closer to me. "Although, that little blonde one there, does seem like your type," he whispered.

Frieza's statement worried me. Surely he didn't know I had a connection to him. Kaka obviously hadn't seen me yet, or heard what Lord AssHat had said. He was still looking at the ground. Without hesitation, I pointed at him. "I choose him."

Frieza instructed one of the guards to unchain him from the others. When he shoved Kaka my way, he tripped over his own feet and fell into my arms. Kakarot slowly looked up at me with a shocked expression. I shook my head. *don't let him know that we know each other.* I thought. I remembered that he could hear others thoughts. He nodded. He got the message.

I helped him to his feet and look toward Frieza. "Thank you, My Lord." I said.

"Of course my Princeling," he said. "Now, you may go." I nodded. As I lead Kakarot to my room, I realized that he only had on a pair of badly ripped spandex shorts. When I was sure that no one was around, I draped my cape around him.

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