Coachella Madness

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AN: Warning ⚠️ : smut

Cole's POV

Catt and I walked through the backstage area and looked around a bit. We passed some celebrities but didn't stop to speak to them. As the next big act was set to go on stage the backstage area crowd lessened and soon it was just my wonderful girlfriend and me. There was a couch next to an RV a bit away from the main walkway but still very much visible and in the open.  I looked at Catt and then smirked to myself before I took her hand and ran off to the couch. Once we reached the couch I gently pulled her on my lap and started kissing her. She broke the kiss and laughed before she finally grabbed my chin and kissed me again. A few workers passed us on the couch but no one said anything as I slowly but surely deepened the kiss. I entered my tongue and fought for dominance. After a couple minutes of ya fighting for dominance she let me win and soon my kisses started getting sloppier.

The heat of the kiss really turned me on. The overall heat in the desert didn't help. Would it be too crazy to have sex on the couch? In the middle of the backstage area of Coachella? This definitely would make for an amazing story to tell our grandkids. I gently pushed Catt down into the hot leather cushions, of course I made sure she didn't burn herself. "Does it hurt?" I asked, worried the leather might burn her skin away. She laughed and shook her head. "Come here babe," she said and opened her legs to make room for me. I laid down in between her legs, making sure I didn't hurt her. We kept kissing and after a couple minutes I moved down to her neck. I sucked at the skin a bit, marking my territory. Catt moaned quietly as she ran her fingers through my hair. I sucked a bit harder and she started tugging at my hair. I moved even further down south and pulled up her shirt to kiss her belly. She was so perfect, I loved everything about her personality but I also loved every inch of her body. I still couldn't believe this amazing girl was finally mine. "Oh Cole, keep going," she moaned. I kissed upwards to her clothed tits and slid my hands under her bra. I played with her tits as much as I could with her tight bra still on. I felt my dick hardening and I really wanted some action. "Babe, lets do it right here," I whispered and looked into her beautiful eyes. "Right here?" She asked and looked around. Luckily there was no one in sight. "Yeah okay, lets do it," she said. I pulled my hands out of her bra just to immediately pull up her shirt and throw it in the dirt.

The newest addition of love bites mixed in with older ones, slowly fading away. Catt took off her pants and my clothes joined hers in the dirt. I kissed her again before I slowly pulled down her panties and started licking her vagina. She moved her hands down to my head, she gently pushed my head down further and started moaning my name. She pulled on my hair and I had to try really hard not to come right then and there. Her pulling at my hair and moaning my name was almost enough. I looked up and saw her looking at me, pearls of sweat slowly forming on her forehead from the hot California sun and the little action we did. "Babe," she said before she was interrupted by a loud moan, "stop baby, it's your urn," she managed to say and I stopped. I kissed her and leaned back. I rested my head on the comfy pillows and looked at Catt. She sat up and hovered over me. She kissed bits of my chest before traveling down south. She pulled down my boxers and started kissing the tip. She kissed down to the shaft and back to the tip. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation. She started licking the tip and started swirling her tongue around it before taking in my member. I gasped and threw my head back. She picked up the pace and started massaging my balls. Again, I had to really concentrate not to come right then and there.

She sucked at my tip and then swirled her tongue around it again. Now I started running my hands through her short hair and tugging gently at it. She looked at me and winked, I closed my eyes immediately. Knowing I'd come in the next few seconds I told her to stop. I really wanted to have sex with her on this couch. I leaned down, picked up my pants and looked for my wallet. Once I found it I pulled out the condom. Always use protection! Catt basically pulled it out of my hand and carefully ripped it open. The plastic wrapper joined our clothes and she slowly rolled down the thin layer of latex down my member. She kissed the skin underneath my belly button and then kneeled on top of me. She grabbed my penis and slowly sat down. We started moving together, moaning out each other's names. Knowing someone could catch us we picked up the pace immediately. Heavy breathing mixed in with the moans leaving our mouths. After a couple minutes we stopped and decided it was time to change our position. Catt laid back down on the hot leather and I hovered over her. I kissed her dry lips and smiled at her before slowly pushing my dick back into her. I looked around to see if someone was around but luckily there wasn't anyone in sight. After pushing myself in and out slowly, I found a nice and steady rhythm and picked up the pace from there. Catt was moaning mess and I loved it. Hearing her moaning out my name was like listening to the best song in the whole world.  I started swirling my hips in circles because I've seen dudes in porn movies doing it and it seemed to work because Catt moaned in surprise and told me to do it again. The knot in my stomach tightened and I knew it was close. I bounced into her even harder, without hurting her of course and with a loud cry of pleasure I came. A few seconds later Catt joined me as she made her best orgasm face. I slowly pulled out my dick and sat down. I was completely wet from sweating like shit, I was hot from the sun and I was dirty but this was for sure the most exciting sex I ever had. We both got dressed as quickly possible and sat down on the couch like nothing happened.

We looked at each other and started to laugh. "Shit, i can't believe we just did that," Catt laughed while still heavily breathing. "Me neither. Looks like we finished at the perfect time too," I answered and pointed at a few people walking towards the main stage. I threw my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer, I didn't care how hot and sweaty I was. I just wanted her close  to me. After sitting there like that for a few minutes we decided to get back to the others. Pretty much halfway we met Ally and Jakob. Both of them a laughing mess. "Yo what's going on here?" I asked and looked at them with raised eyebrows. It took them a minute to calm down as they both gasped for air. "Ally pranked Beyoncé, kinda," Jakob said and started laughing again. "Oh my god, what did you do?" Catt shouted and looked at her with big eyes. "Okay, so we were walking here and I took a very sweet picture of my handsome boyfriend and then miss Beyoncé came along and was like uhh can you move please? And I was like yeah just a sec, gotta get those cute boyfriend pics in and then she goes all do you know who I am? And I'm like no, sorry. Are you one of those newcomers? Don't be nervous honey, you'll do great out there," Ally started laughing again. "And then she was all irritated and weirded out and said that never happened to her." Jakob continued for his girlfriend. "God you probably messed with her mind," Catt said and laughed along with her sister. I shook my head at the two and looked around just to see Beyoncé looking back at us with a confused look. "Next time I see her I'm gonna apologize," Ally said as she finally managed to stop laughing. Together we walked back to the boys who already waited for us.

Catt's POV

Today had been wild. Between pissing people off with my sister, watching my boyfriend and our friends play an amazing show and having the most adventurous and exciting sex I've ever had! Now we were on our way back to meet the rest of the boys, I'm so glad Ally and Jakob haven't questioned how mine and Cole's clothes are so dirty. And I mean they probably accepted how sweaty we were as being from the heat.

"What got you two so dirty?" Max asked as we got back to the rest of the boys. Fuck, how do we explain this.
"Emm, we fell?" I said trying to sound convincing.
"Both in the same position and forward and backwards?" Max said not believing me.
"Yes?" I said, still trying to make the basic lie work. It wasn't. Seb came up behind Max and did this little cough before he put on a fake British accent and started to Sherlock Holmes style deduce us.
"Well, u can see by the markings of dirt on their clothes that they have been crumpled on the ground, the dirt is patchy and uneven," Seb started to pace around us. "You can see the sweat patters here," he starts pointing to various places on me and Cole, "and where the dirt has gathered, showing the clothes have been hastily discarded. By looking at the sweat beads on their faces, it appears to be a lot more than any of us, and we've all been out in the same heat all day. By adding all this up, it leads me to belive, they fucked." Seb stood beside us with his arms crossed. Me and Cole stood there rather shocked.
"You got all that from dirty clothes and some sweat?" Cole questioned.
"No, I walked passed while Cole was 7 inches deep in Catt," Seb took a drink from his water and I saw Cole's face turn a little pink. Cole looked at me as if to say "sorry for getting caught" but I gave him a look back to say not to worry.
"You guys has sex where people could see you?!?" Max shouted, obviously a little shocked at our scandalous endeavours.
"Sorry for being horny bro, it's not my fault my girlfriend is so goddamn smoking hot" Cole said quite calmly, he placed a hand on my ass and gave it a little squeeze. I laughed and put my arms round him and leaned up to give him a kiss.
"Wow, your two are worse than them!" Joey butted in pointing towards his brother and my sister.
"And that's saying something, we fuck all the time, although we're not quite as risqué as that," Ally laughed. Cole just smirked at me, I couldn't help but smile back. Knowing we'd caused slight uproar in the SWMRS band waggon was quite fun, this must be how Ally and Jakob have felt all these years. As we headed back to the bus (we'd finally upgraded from the van now that we're doing longer and over night drives between shows for festival season) Cole had his arm round me and I hugged myself into his waist, Jakob and Ally walked beside us in a similar position. I think we'd officially over taken them as the crazy couple with way too much PDA for anyone's liking. Something I think we're both quite proud of.

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