Something I Want to Share With You All

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So, about a month or two ago, I started watching the anime, Death Note.

And last month, in English I had to write a story. It could be about anything I wanted. And this is what I wrote.

It's not finished, but this is what I have so far and turned in.

She walked along the sidewalk, lit orange from the streetlights.

She was alone.

As she walked, she stepped on something.

“Hu?” She turned back to see what it was.

Lying in the middle of the sidewalk was a notebook.

It didn’t appear to be anything special. Just an ordinary black composition book.

What is this doing out here? She wondered, picking it up.

She inspected it. The book didn’t appear to be new. It had deep pencil markings in the cover, the spine was worn, the sides of the pages were colored with pencil.

She flipped through the notebook. Despite it’s outside appearance, the inside was spotlessly blank.

She shrugged. “Free notebook.”

When she got home, she went into her room and changed out of her work uniform.

Knock knock.” A woman said, knocking on the door. “Kathy, can I come in?”

“Yes Aunt Kell.” Kathy said.

Kathy’s aunt opened the door and stepped in.

Kell wrinkled her nose as she looked around her niece’s dirty room. “You really need to clean up in here this weekend.”

Annoyed, Kathy rolled her eyes and asked, “Is that all?”

“No need to be like that.” Kell scolded. “I just came up to ask what you want on the pizza.”

“Olives and extra cheese. As always.” Kathy smiled. “I don’t even know why you bother asking anymore if you know that I’m going to say the same thing each time.”

“I’m just making sure you don’t want anything different so when the pizza gets here you don’t get mad because you wanted something else on it.”

Kell’s eyes landed on the notebook on Kathy’s desk.

“I found it on my way home.” Kathy explained. “Its blank so I thought, ‘Hey, free notebook.’"

“Alright then.” Aunt Kell left.

Kathy looked down at the notebook. Took a deep breath, then opened it.

On the first page, had writing on it.

‘That wasn’t there before.’ She thought.

Hello human,” She read aloud. “You have found a Dream Book. Anything you write in here will come to life.

No.’ Kathy thought.

Instructions/Rules & Restrictions:

1.    You must be very specific in describing what you write.

2.    You cannot try to create a living person. Fictional characters, yes.

3.    Once you use this book, you cannot get rid of it. You become one with the Dream Book.

4.    Remember, everything is not what it seems.

“Weird.” Kathy said. “But still….”

Kathy got a pen and flipped the page.

She thought for a moment then began writing.

When she finished, she sat back in her chair.

“I’m waiting.” She said to the book.

A few more seconds passed.

“I knew it.” She said, closing the notebook. “Just some stupid prank.”

Kathy turned the light out and left her room.

But once she closed the door, the book opened by itself, and the pages started to glow green. And the shadowy silhouette of a human was cast on a wall.

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