1- A Winter Daydream

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Laying there in bed, warm and cozy under the covers with her eyes shut, Cassie listened to all the early morning sounds. There were birds flying by the window, singing their little melodies, muffled by the glass. There was the occasional start of an engine or shutting of a door as people started their day. And of course, there was the slow gentle breathing of the girl sleeping next to her. Well, not exactly next to. More... half on top of.
Her girlfriend, Erin, was a very affectionate person, always hugging and kissing her, her hands always on some part of her body. And this also applied to when she was sleeping. Erin had one leg wrapped around her, and was snuggled up against her side, cold nose in the crook of her neck, gentle breathing warm against her skin. Truth was, Cassie loved it. She absolutely loved all the physical contact and attention Erin gave her. She could never admit it though.

The chiming of bells from the church a few blocks over told her it was 6am. As with almost every morning, she had been awake for 2 hours already. Sometimes, when Erins limbs weren't tangled with hers, or when she wasn't being used as a pillow, she would get up very early, have a strong cup of coffee, and go for a run. Not this morning though. Because this morning she was being cuddled by the adorable girl next to her, and she didn't want to disturb her. That, and the fact that she would freeze if she got out of bed. It was instant ice-cube temperature. Even inside their house and under the duvet, pressed together and sharing body heat, she could still feel a chill in the air. It was a cold morning. The bone-chilling, nose-biting type that shouts a reminder at you that winter is still here after a few mild days.

Erin stirred slightly next to her. There was a little opening in the curtain, creating a small streak of light that fell across half of her golden face, illuminating her features. Cassie could see her full lips, paler than their normal rich pink because of the chill in the air. Her cheeks, always lightened with a smile, seemed almost out of character because of her relaxed state of sleep. Cassie loved moments like this. Pure, candid, beautiful. She could just lay here, cuddling the love of her life, seeing her peaceful and happy and so naturally gorgeous. She sighed gently, smiled and pulled Erin closer.

Nearly an hour later, her eye lashes fluttered open as Erin yawned. Her girlfriend smiled sleepily and blinked a few times, looking up at her. Then with a mischievous grin, she moved herself so that she was on top of Cassie, resting her head on her arms and smirking in what Erin must have thought an innocent fashion. But Cassie could see right through it. She rolled her eyes, holding back a giggle, and pushed Erin off of her, onto her side of the bed, unfortunately taking the duvet with her.
"Oh my god shit n-no get back here it's f-freezing, oh my god Erin Erin Eriiiiiiin" Cassie whined, drawing out the last syllable of her name. Erin just giggled, wrapped up as she was, like a little burrito.
"If you want some cover, come and get it" she replied, raising one dark eyebrow suggestively. It would have been annoying, if she didn't look so cute wrapped up.
"Seriously, you little shit, I'm gonna get hypothermia, I'm freezing my tits off here, please oh my god cuddle meeee"
"Hmmmm, I suppose that would be a problem.... fine, get in here then" Erin said, moving the duvet so Cassie could climb in. They cuddled together, Erin on top of Cassie, legs entwined. Until Erin let out a scream and wriggled away. "You little bitch, get your hands off, omg they're ice, get off. Get. Off." Cassie just moved her hands further up her body, giggling. "Shouldn't have stolen the cover then, should you? Hmm?"
"What? No! You can not blame this on me."
"Err... yes I can, you made me and my hands cold, so you have to deal with it, you have to warm me up"
"But....but... noooooo"
"But.... Cass, you're so cold"
"You're telling me darling? I fucking know I'm cold. So get back here and fucking cuddle me, ok?"
Erin huffed and frowned her way back over, but Cassie could see the smile she was hiding. "You're really cute, you know that honey?". Erin just sighed dramatically in response, rolling her eyes, and making Cassie giggle. "I love you Erin" she whispered, earning a smile from her girlfriend.
"I love you too Cass." A pause. "Don't you need your coffee? You'll be a little shit without it." Erin said matter-of-factly.
"I do..... but it's too cold"
"Nope not an excuse, come on babe, we're getting coffee. Well you are. I hate the stuff. I'll make it for you tho. 'Cause I'm a darling. An angel. Come ooooonnnn!" Erin said, running off, and leaving Cassie to wonder where she got all her energy from this early in the morning. Before she had much time to think, Erin returned holding two hoodies.
"Are they... are they both mine? Are you wearing my hoodies again?"
Erin just smirked. "Yours are the most comfy. And they smell nice." Cassie felt her eyes roll in reaction.
"Tell me again, whose the little shit? Hmm?"
Erin giggled at that, her eyes turning a bright blue. "Oh shud up, come on, coffeeeeeee."

10 minutes later, coffee all drunk, Cassie was reluctantly putting on all the warm clothes that she owned. Her fuzzy bobble hat, her warm knitted gloves, and her favourite scarf, along with at least 30 pairs of socks. And why? All because Erin had gotten excited by the 'oh my god it's so pretty' layers of frost and snow that had fallen over night, and was still gently falling, and had insisted the two take a 'romantic couplesy insta photo walk'. Damn that girl and her adorableness, Cassie could never say no. Erin was her one weakness.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee snooooooooowwww." Erin practically sprinted out of the door and onto the pavement. She stud just outside of their garden gate, staring up at the sky, arms stretched out and slowly spinning. Cassie watched from the doorway, enjoying seeing her girlfriend filled with this child like excitement. She looked so beautiful. Her black hair standing out against the winter backdrop, her smile brighter than the snow. The trees from the park across the road, leafless and outlined in white, almost framing the scene. Cassie wanted her to stay like this, so she could run and get her sketch pad, get pencil to paper, make a plan so that she could capture the pure joy Erin was radiating. It would be such a beautiful painting.
But then Erin stopped and looked at her, little white flecks caught in her hair and scarf, grinning and wide eyed, and Cassie just... stared. This girl. This beautiful, joyful, amazing girl, this was her girlfriend. Her love. Her life. Her world.

In one quick movement, she strode over to Erin, pulled her in by the waist, and kissed her softly on the lips. They seemed to almost melt together. The world around them a blur. A mess of hot breath and soft lips and cold cheeks. As Cassie pulled back, Erin bit her lip.
"I... what was that for? I loved it b-but ...what did I do?" Cassie smirked at how flustered she seemed. She tucked a strand of hair behind Erins ear, looking into her eyes, now a deep pink colour.
"You just look so beautiful. You make this snow day look boring. I wanted to remind you how much I love you." Erins golden cheeks started to turn slightly pink. "And besides, I don't need a reason to kiss you, do I? I can kiss you whenever I feel lik-" Erin cut her off by grabbing the front on her coat and kissing her. Hard. By the time she pulled away, Cassie was rather breathless.
"And I think you are adorable and sexy and romantic. Ok babe? Anyway, let's get going before this snow melts, like my heart already has." Cassie laughed.
"I love you Erin."
Erin just smiled, grabbing her hand. "I know. Now, my lady," she did a flamboyant fake bow. "Would you care to join me on a stroll around the park?"
Cassie grinned. "It would be my pleasure."

Thank you for reading :)
If you have any constructive criticism or suggestions for other one shots I should write, please comment, they would be appreciated.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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