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Ezume POV

I woke up to see and white ceiling and a worried Kei looking down at me. I sat up and asked Kei, "What happened?"

"You were crushed by two abnormally large men and now you have to have surgery on your hand," He responded.

"My hand?" I looked down to see a bandage wrapped around my hand, "What happened to it?"

"Well when you were crushed a sailor moon action figure was jammed into your hand and now it needs to be surgically removed, " Kei responded.

I looked back down at my hand and started to unravel the bandage. When it's almost all the way off I paused for a second then quickly tore the rest off.

I froze.

Staring back at me was none other than Sailor moons head from my hand.

I grabbed my wrist, turned to Kei, and yelled, "DID MY SALT MAKE IT OUT OKAY!!!???"

Kei looked with a small tear in his eye, "You're an idiot."


This jerk got ten salt packs and then SPILLED THEM ALL! And guess who had to pay for it? ME!

And now I have to pay for his medical bills to get this doll head surgically removed from his hand! Does he think I'm made of money or something?

Ezume POV

Kei was looking at me like he was about to kill me. It kind of reminded me of when we first met, such good times.

I was about to say something when the doctor came in and that that they would be starting the procedure. Kei left the room and I ended up falling asleep.


When I woke up I was in the same room. Looking back down at my hand I saw a huge red mark with a couple of stitches. I sat back up, and once I did Kei came walking into the room looking a little pale and mumbling something about money, oh well.

"Hey Kei!"

Kei looks over still looking a little pale.

"Can we go and get some salt from the store?"

Kei freezes for a couple of seconds then walks over to the wall and smashes his head against it continuously.

"What's wrong, Kei?" I ask confused

Kei groans the says, "I wish I could get rid of you"

I smile widely at him and say, "Nope, we're together forever!"

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