Chapter 6: Time Interference

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Everyone gasped, standing as a light flashed in the middle of the room, Baldi and Tsithema appearing, her on him. They both laughed hysterically as she sat up. "I can't believe the time we had- that was so much fun!!!!"

"Me making Everest do that?? WORTH IT!!!" Baldi shouted, giggling as small snorts leaving him- making Tsithema laugh even harder.

"Where the fuck were you two- you had us thinking you got caught!!! And who's Everest?? Did you two interact with one of the students??" Agetha exclaimed, grabbing Baldi's arm and standing him up.

"Ow- that hurts you meanie." he exclaimed in pain.

"Tch-yeah, we messed with one of the- okay three of the girls at the school- they started it. Why are you so scared?" Tsithema giggled.

"I'm not scared, I'm worried!!! You could've killed one of them!! They caused Baldi's future to be a certain way- Everest and her sisters caused Sam to give birth to Tiffany- which means she probably wouldn't have been able to give birth to her if it weren't for those sacks of shits!!! Did you make sure you didn't interfere with what was supposed to happen? Did any of the other students see you, Tsithema?"

"Eh.... a whole gym full of them- we appeared during the Valentine dance. Oh we also ran into a blond girl while exiting the office."

"Betty Parker. We ran into Betty Parker."

"Oh no. No no no. That's not all that happened-- you guys probably did something you shouldn't have!!! This reality feels... corrupt." Agetha muttered, kneeling and feeling the ground under her. "What. Did. You. Do?" she growled.

"Um..." Baldi whispered nervously.

"We might of done it.." Tsithema muttered under her breath.

"WHAT?!" Agetha screamed, "So you two were interacting 100% of the time???!!! Oh no- no that's what's wrong. No no. CHARLIE KNOW'S WHO YOU ARE!!!!" she screamed, pointing at Tsithema.

"So?" Baldi asked. "What's so bad about that?"

"THAT!!!" Agetha exclaimed, pointing down at Baldi's disappearing hands.

"Do hands usually do that?" Tsithema asked, looking at them as they slowly became transparent.

"N-No. What- what happened? Why am I disappearing???"

"The world sees Charlie knows Tsithema- so what's likely to happen- past Tsithema meets him- and something happens." Agetha explained, holding her temple as if trying to read into Baldi's past. She gasped, her hand's snapping open, "BALDI YOU HAVE TO GO BACK!" she exclaimed.

"What?? WHY??!!"

"There's a problem. I can't.. I can't see Charlie's future. I don't see you!" Agetha exclaimed.

"Tsithema killed you, Baldi."

Tsithma Lockheart- A Dark Ending {One death... one book... to end it all...}Where stories live. Discover now