Drekk, commander of battalion fleet Anari, sector S-792

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  I'd been twenty feet from cell block 9 before I caught her scent.  It hit me like an instant aphrodisiac—exotic flowers, honey and the sea.  My step faltered slightly.  Entering the cell block where she had just spent the better part of an hour had the corridor and no doubt all eight cells swimming in her scent.  She'd been sitting when we entered, but she had stood quickly, showing courage i hadn't expecting from a human female.  Her eyes large and the color of amber, as was her skin, warm rich and creamy, her hair dark brown mostly drawn back into a ball at her nape, the rest forming long wild ringlets around her face and neck.  Her lips were soft, full, pouty.  I craved to touch them and test them to see if they were as soft and supple as the looked.  A stubborn yet delicate jawline. 
  My gaze swooped down her body, trying to imagine the treasures that lie beneath the camouflage fatigues she wore, nothing flattering for her, loose fitting. 
  I knew my brain was shutting down, could feel the heat rising and flowing through my veins.  I felt the sweat break out on my brow, the tingle of lust at the base of my spine.  The tension across my shoulders as the need grew to grab her strip her down and fuck her immediately began to darken the edges of my vision. 
  So this is what it was like.  I'd heard about it.  I've seen it happen a time or two to my crew members of my race, the Bambari, but having never experienced it, I wasnt prepared for the intensity.  I also wasn't prepared for the inevitability of retirement.  Thinking of retirement when I was still ready and willing to fight against the Cybs, cleared my thoughts, if only momentarily.
   I voiced my question, the one that brought me down here from the command deck, "How did you do it?"  I pointed to the screen, because I knew she didn't have a translating device implanted so that she could understand me.  I didn't want to install any tech into a humans brain unless absolutely necessary.  Although now I knew she would be receiving one in short order.
  "Do what?" Her voice was like liquid velvet, sensual and husky.  I could listen to her speak all day and all night.  Fuck! I've got it bad. Unbelievable!  Commander of a battalion of over five thousand people, pilots, comms, medical, engineering, as well as the races that keep their families with them in space, reduced to an overheated animal ready to devour my newly discovered mate.  And she no doubt had no idea that we were a mated pair.  I sniffed the air, and sure enough, I could smell her fear.  She was terrified of me.  This is a nightmare.
  Even more frustrated than before, I grated, "You disrupted to Swarm's signal.  You freed your people's minds from their host.  You did that. No one else. We tracked your signal. Tell us how you managed it."
  I watched as she read from the screen, her eyes slowly widening.  She turned back to me, those light gold eyes, in contrast with her dark coloring, her full lips begging to be explored.  "Are you one of them?"
  "No." I couldn't keep the scathing hatred from my tone.
  "Why are you here?" She demanded, her chin going up a notch.  It had a slight cleft that I could see clearly now, and I wanted to dip my tongue into it as I kissed my way to that luscious mouth of hers.
  Sweat beaded on the back of my neck now, dripping in rivulets down my spine.  I needed to get this questioning out of the way and have her on her back, my cock inside her, and soon or I was going to lose what little control I had left.  I wondered if my second, the man on my left, Mardus, had caught onto what was happening yet.  He was about to inherit my fleet.  I was about to be forced into retirement.  Back to my home world of Bombar.  I had found my mate.  My true other half and I knew nothing about her except the obvious, military, beautiful face, and computer genius.  Humans were not inherently intelligent.  The fact that this one broke the Swarm's coding and set them on their asses was proof of her genius.  Now she was here.  Mine.  Mine alone. Mine at last.  Mine to hold, to pleasure, to protect, to cherish.
  "Why are you here?" She repeated.
  My cock pressed painfully into the armor of my pants, and I gritted my teeth.  "It is our mission to protect this sector of space from The Swarm, keeping them from doing what they did to your planet.  The have developed a new cloaking device that had them here before we had time to react, it was only when you redirected their signal that we knew they were here."
  Her eyes widened then narrowed, 'Should I be saying thank you?  You were late to the party.' Is what I wanted to say, but settled for, "Sure." Then she asked, "So my planet is okay, there are some people down there that are still alive?"
  "Some.  Those that avoided integration."  I was beginning to have trouble with following the dialogue.  Sweat poured off me, my cock was throbbing to the beat of my racing heart, muscles aching to just grab her already, throw her over my shoulders and take her to my quarters.  So I barked at her, my voice booming off the walls, "Tell me how you shut down their signal!"  I just could not stand there waiting anymore. I was about to crawl out of my own skin with want, no with need of her.
  She snapped to attention, clearly looking past me and not at me, her jaw ticking, her eyes glistening, "The signal came across my comms station along with all of ours, I locked onto it, deciphered it down to binary code, changed the outgoing vs receiving so they didn't match, reflecting back at them, which shut down there immediate communications.  Next I flooded them with firewalls I've been designing since I was 8 years old.  But within moments those machines were on my base, blowing through the walls.  I'll never know if it worked, but I had to do what I had to do."  Her eyes glistened, but not a single tear had fallen.
  I took a deep breath, in and out, clenching my fists.  She was amazing.  I could hardly keep myself from dropping the shield and pulling her into my arms to comfort her, though she wouldn't welcome it from me. Not yet.
  I turned to face Mardus head on, his eyes meeting mine than widening like saucers, his mouth going slack.  His eyes glanced toward the female in the cell then back to mine.  "As do I."  I said, responding to her as well as letting my first mate know I was conceding to my fate.  And then I walked from the cell block heading straight for the meeting hall, for a video conference with our chancellor Eadger.  He must be told immediately that my mate was here, so that Mardus could assume the role as commander.

Alien AddictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon