Chapter Three: Why?

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I sat down outside, in the wet and muddy downtown of Dirtville.
I don't know how to process that.. creature.
It seemed like some sort of sick joke, the fact that it had a neverending smile and how it carved a smile into the wall just sickened me.
I had come to the conclusion that it may have just been me going crazy until Aubrey pointed the engraving out.
I didn't know what to make of it.
I suppose the only question I had left was why?
Why did this happen?
Why to me?

The time was midnight, when I checked my phone for the first time after that creature showed up and vanished.
I began to text the person I used to call my best friend.
I started to type, "Hey, what's up?" before typing, "I'm sorry."
I stared at the message for a second, before deleting it and finally typing, "I apologise for what I did, it was wrong of me. I hope we can still be friends."
Before I could send, I heard that gut wrenching noise again.
It wasn't like nail on chalkboard, more like fork on a glass plate, and I knew exactly what was making the noise, yet I was too petrified to turn around.
I knew that thing was behind me, most likely staring at me, but I just couldn't bare to look at it again.
In an act of pure instinct, I turned to my left to see where the most recent noise was coming from, only to come face to face with the creature.
Its face was fleshy, and it possessed no nose, nor anything human-like, not to mention smelled like a corpse.
Suddenly, I felt its boney hands turn my head towards the original scratching noise, and when it did, the version which turned my head completely vanished.
I was once again frozen, staring at this horrific and terrifying creature, yet I couldn't speak a word.
I began to fully panic, before the creature motioned for me to stay quiet.
"W-" I began to stutter, to afraid to speak to the creature, "Wha- wh..."
I froze up again, followed by the carving noise multiplied by a million when the thing violently slashed what it was writing before, which seemed to say, "KI", before being cut off.
"What... a-are yo-you?" I asked frightenedly, before the creature started writing again.
"I AM SMILER", the carving spelled.
It let out a small, gravelly chuckle and disappeared once again.

"Please, pick up the phone," I shouted frantically into my shitty earbuds, recording a voicemail for my friend, when he finally answered.
"Oh, it's you," the friend replied over the cheap phone, "What the hell do you want?"
"I'm seeing some real bad shit, man," I tried to explain, before snapping a picture of the carvings just to make sure they were real and not in my head.
"No apology, Dale?" The ex-friend antagonized me, "You're crawling back to me after what you said about my girlfriend and Riley?"
"Calm down, Donnie!" I shouted hurriedly, "Smoke some weed or something!"
"Alright, man," the friend, Donnie, replied, "But only because that gives me an excuse to smoke."
"Actually," I budded in, "I'll join."

"Why did you do whatever you did that made me mad at you?" Donnie asked me as he hit the blunt twice, then passed it back to me.
"I don't know, I just didn't want you to move to Texas," I admitted, before puffing the marijuana and immediately coughing.
"Move to Texas?!" Donnie shouted before laughing his ass off and falling backwards, "How the fuck am I gonna move to Texas, bro? I spend all my money on drugs!"
"Damn," I responded, regretful that I caused that scene over nothing, "Well, I need to tell you something, man."
"What's that?" Donnie asked before taking the blunt back and hitting it, "Your bitch kick you out again?"
"Yeah, but that wasn't entirely what I was gonna talk about," I jokingly replied, before taking a swig of one of the many alcohol bottles on the table, "I've been seeing the weird ass thing. It's all skinny, and it calls itself Smiler."
"How much salvia you been smokin'?" Donnie asked, hitting the blunt again, then putting it out and lighting a cigarette, "You should probably stay off of hardcore shit if that type of stuff is happening."
"Oh, I don't really do drugs a lot," I explained, before grabbing a different alcohol bottle, this one with vodka.
"I wanna see him, bro," Donnie exclaimed as he took out a baggy with what appeared to be shrooms in it, "He sounds knarly."
"I guess I can draw him for you," I said, before asking, "Do you have any notebook paper?"
"Yeah, man," Donnie replied, before reaching behind him and handing me a notebook with a pen in the binder.
I thought hard about what it looked like, before finally coming to a conclusion.

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