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Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far really far away, the king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. And throughout the kingdom everyone was happy. Until the sun went down, and the king and queen saw that their daughter had a terrible curse, that took place each and every night. Desperate, they asked the help of a sorceress, who had the young princess locked away in a tower, there to await the kiss of the powerful Gnasty Gnorc. As stupid the idea may sound, the king and queen thought it would be best for their daughter Cynder. Gnasty Gnorc was the one who would travel through blistering winds and scorching deserts, traveling for many days and nights, risking life, limb, but mostly time to reach the monster's keep.

Gnasty Gnorc: for he was the bravest, the strongest gnorc there is in the world, and it was destiny that his kiss(slays his mouth with air freshener) would break the dreaded curse

Gnasty Gnorc then climbed the many stairs that led to the room where Cynder used to be.

Gnasty Gnorc: he climbed to the tallest room in the tallest tower, across the princess' chambers, peers through the curtains to find a (gasps)

Instead of finding a princess, he found a bear with a sack of gems by his side and was reading, how to become rich in 60 days.

Money bags: what?

Gnasty Gnorc: princess...Cynder?

Money bags:(scoffs) good heavens no

Gnasty Gnorc:( sighs in relief) oh thank heavens, but where is she?

Money bags: she's on her honeymoon

Gnasty Gnorc: oh okay tha—(flabbergasted) wha, honeymoon, with whom?!

Spyro was setting up a camera, so he can record his honeymoon with the love of his life Cynder. Cynder was standing a few inches away from her husband and Spyro picked Cynder up with his front legs that now acted like his arms. He was gonna bring her in the house that they bought for rent to start their honeymoon, but then they realized that the door was too small for very big dragons, Spyro then held Cynder with one arm and decided to break the front of the house off and used it as a door, like how that giant did it in the labyrinth. They then got settled in the house, and Spyro decided to play "accidentally in love" by counting crows. The couple spent the rest of the day inside, while Spyro was still recording everything. In the morning a little faun girl was knocking on Spyro and Cynder's door, and when they answered it, the girl left screaming, but also leaving a picnic full of chicken, Spyro then brought the basket with them to the beach. Spyro and Cynder were going for a kiss, but a huge wave washed Cynder away and a pink dragon was on top of Spyro while he had his eyes closed, he was about to kiss the random dragon, but he immediately opened his eyes and saw that it wasn't Cynder trying to kiss him. Spyro was wondering where his wife was when suddenly, Cynder grabbed the pink dragon by her tail and threw her in the ocean with a bunch of sharks. Cynder was pleased with this and the couple then resumed what they were doing earlier. Spyro and Cynder then came across a group of Dwarves and he asked them to make a special ring for Cynder, when the dwarves were finished, the ring was still hot, and Spyro ended up burning his claws in the process and he threw the ring in the air, and Cynder was able to get the ring through her talon. When Spyro and Cynder held claws, the ring had letters that said, "I love you" on it, Cynder smiles brightly at it. The couple were then running away from a group of apes in a flower field and Spyro was caught in a trap but Cynder was able to knock most of the apes out and free Spyro from the trap. When Spyro was free he landed in some mud and his face had that stuff on it, Cynder wipes it off his face and they proceeded to kiss. Later that day they decided to go for a hot tub, while they were relaxing, Spyro tried to make small talk with Cynder but it came out as a burp. Spyro was embarrassed but Cynder then burped too, this one louder than Spyro's, Spyro smirked because he knew she was challenging him to a burp contest. The couple then competed for who had the biggest and loudest burp, while the fairies in jars that Spyro caught were being intoxicated by their nasty gas. Spyro and Cynder were then sitting next to the edge of an island and looked at the moon and kissed for a good long minute and then they were magically transported back next to the cave where Spyro lived originally, but now that's where he and Cynder lived.

Spyro:(sighs in relief) it's so good to be home

Cynder: indeed

I hope you all enjoy this story like you did with the last one. See you soon, my fellow readers.

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