act one. liquid gold.

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your thoughts
drip from my fingers
like clumps of blood.

i grasp every word
you utter in my palm
and i crush it
with the weight of my fingers
and i say
i understand
when i don't
and i just want you to stop.
i just want to feel your touch under my fingers.

your making my head spin
and my brain melt into stew
under the heat of your stare
you eventually eat up like candy.
candy i gifted to you
when you stole
my interest
and my heart
you don't believe you did.

i just want to press my mouth
against yours
but you just want to talk
about my family
about my hopes
about my dreams.
and i want to crush your thoughts
with the tip of my fingers
and tell you
to stop
but you're not talking
and i'm hearing your thoughts
why are you thinking about me?
and im thinking
can you hear mine?
but the words
leaking from your lips
like liquid gold on the palm of my hand
says you can't.

if you could
the gold
trickling down your lips
and flowing through your veins
would be red
and your stare
would be vehement
unlike the one you wear
when you speak to her.

i want to pour a cup
of copper down your throat
so your liquid gold
turns into
a much stronger drug
you can't swim in
this time.

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