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Izzy's POV

I need to tell him, I have to. What if something goes wrong, what if he doesn't like me. My thoughts are going crazy- I really like Heathcliff, but my brother on the other hand... not so much. He will hate me forever, or is that a bit too dramatic? I need help from him, he's the only one who will know what to do even if he doesn't like it.

I take a deep breath and knock on his door, he opens it and asks me what I want in an annoying tone. I say I need help.

Ozzy's POV

 When Izzy said she needs help, I let her in straight away, we sat on my bed and she decided to talk. 

"Ozzy, I need to tell you something." 

"What is it?" I was confused. Izzy wasn't serious often.

"I think I like someone." 

"You think?" 

"No, I know." 

I sighed. 

"And who is this person?" I was really surprised when she said she had a crush on someone, I never thought she was that kind of person and I was even more surprised when she said "Heath". 

"As in like Heath Heath, my rival, Heath?" 

"Yes," she admitted as she looked down. I was really mad, I mean, who likes Heath? With his ugly hair, and awful fashion sense. But Izzy is my sister, I love her and I'll do anything to make her happy even if that means dating him. I took another deep breath and said, "Ok and you want to confess your feelings?"

Izzy's POV

I can't believe Ozzy is accepting this- he's a great big brother. 

"Ok and you want to confess your feelings?" 

"Well.. I don't know yet." 

"Do it before it's too late." 

"Ok I will, but I don't know how." 

"Well, you came to the right person." 

Before I could say something, he starts going off. "There should be balloons, streamers and a big cardboard box. You should hold a sign saying 'Will you be my boyfriend' and the ..." 


"Oops, sorry." 

"You know I'm very bad at remembering things so can you help me?" 

"Of course, that's what big brothers are for, right?" 

I do a sarcastic eye roll and say, "Tomorrow morning, DON'T be late, got it?" 

"Yeah yeah, everything will be fine, Iz."

I exit his room taking another deep sigh. I've got to stop doing those. Eventually, I go to bed thinking all about Heath and how he's so dreamy. Snap out of it, Izzy! I finally fall asleep and get some good rest for tomorrow.

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