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Jihoon lived peacefully in Busan until he started experiencing or rather doing weird stuff.

He wasn't much of a talker but he could hold a conversation with someone without much trouble, but his tics made everything harder.

He didn't know where it came from or how he developed the annoying "sickness" as some might call it but it's really just a disorder he picked up in life.

Getting through high school was hell for Jihoon, he developed the sickness at the age of 10 and has had to deal with it ever since. At first, his stuttering would be seldom but it progressed to stuttering over a couple words in a few sentences. He would turn red with frustration whenever his tics would act up when his physics teacher just asked him to give the answer, to which he knew because Jihoon was a smart boy.

His "stuttering" wasn't stuttering anymore so him and his mom went to a doctor at around the age of 12; and there he was diagnosed with Palilalia. A language disorder somewhat like stuttering and cluttering except it comes out spontaneously.

After being diagnosed with Palilalia, Jihoon figured he'd just shut up for the rest of his life- WRONG. He couldn't escape the evil clutches of his college professors asking him questions even with the knowledge of his disorder, because they believed that if he could talk, he might as well give an answer whether he likes it or not and that it's not fair for the other students. Bullshit is what Jihoon calls it.

"Alright can anyone tell me the answer?

No one?

How about you, Mr. Lee?"

Here we go again, Jihoon thought shaking his head as he stood up and prepared himself for several hours worth of teasing and bullying.

"The answe- ANSWER is four hundred ninety si- SIX miles per hou- HOUR."

He ended with a frustrated sigh before sitting back down, massaging his temples before looking up at Professor dick.

Lunch rolled up and like usual, Jihoon makes a bee line to his usual table with his friends or at least he tried. Just as he's about to push open the doors to the cafeteria, he's pushed aside, hard, by his fellow school mates and he lands on the floor with a huff. He hears them leave but not without hearing their unnecessary snickers and name calling.

Dusting off the non-existent dust on his clothes, he picks up his bag before heading to the table where his friends were already waiting for him at.

"Again? Hyung you should let us accompany you in the halls." Chan, the youngest in their friend group said, as Jihoon sat down with a pretty depressing sigh.

Jihoon shakes his head and smiles at the boy, silently thanking him for the offer but still declining. It's not that Jihoon doesn't want to be with his friends but their buildings are too far away and he doesn't wanna cause them any trouble. Of course, his friends have tried convincing him to let them be his "escorts" or something but Jihoon was as stubborn as Seungkwan and, god can that boy be stubborn.

"It's okay Channie, let's trust Jihoon he's a big boy now." Jeonghan tells the boy with a snicker as he comfortably pats Jihoons head since he's the only who can touch Jihoon without being chased with a guitar after.

"No fair! Hannie hyung can pat your head but I can't? I call favoritism." Mingyu exclaimed childishly, stomping his feet like a small child like he wasn't the tallest person on campus.

"yeah n- NO." Jihoon replied with a glare at Mingyu silently telling him that if he tried he better be prepared for another chase with the guitar.

"Hah! Pay up, loser." Seungkwan slammed his palm on the table, making a 'pay up' gesture at Mingyu.

Jihoon raised a brow at this and shook his head at how Mingyu would keep doing these stupid bets, knowing he would still loose. He laughed at his friends stupidity before taking out his packed lunch, joining their conversation a few times while munching on his sandwich.

The day finishes as the last bell rings and Jihoon grabs his stuff before leaving the crowded room. He spots Chan waving at him from the said boys locker, he goes over and waves back with a smile.

"Hey hyung! I wanted to tell you about something huge!"

Jihoon made a gesture to go on.

"So remember the dance group I'm in? Our captain thinks we need new music to dance to since we're competing in a few weeks, I told him you produce music and he said he would love it if you would cook something up for us!"

The younger finished talking and ended it with his infamous puppy dog eyes as he held Jihoon's hands, jutting his bottom lip out for extra power.

The older grimaced at his friends attempt on trying to act cute but still agreed since he really doesn't mind and it gives him the chance to work on something.

"Thanks hyung! You're the best, I'll tell Soonyoung hyung! He's gonna be so happy!" Chan exclaimed before bidding goodbye and running off to god knows where. 

Sighing once again for the nth time, Jihoon picks up his pace and walks home already coming up with a beat to work with.

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