Chapter 7

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"Logan. Are you purre about this?" Patton joked, giggling.

"It's just a Felis catus. We'll be fine." Logan rolled his eyes at Patton as he approached the large cat in front of him.

"I love cats."

Virgil and Roman watched from above, laughing.

" 'I love cats.' Well no shit, you made them!" Virgil clapped as he laughed, falling backwards on his cloud.

"And Logan thinks he's all smart, like 'oooo I can have fancy names for things too, showoff'. "

Virgil noticed Roman staring at him with no response, and waved  his hand in front of his face.

"Hey tall ass, I'm trying to have a conversation with you."

Roman snapped out of his trance, chuckling.

"I'm not even that tall."

"You're taller  than me, that counts."

Roman laughed, smiling still afterwards. He stared at Virgil and smiled, and Virgil looked away, hiding his blush.

"You're becoming nicer, and not ordering me around as much, why's that?" Roman tilted his head.

"I don't really know myself." Virgil mumbled, shrugging a bit.

Roman nodded, playing with little fluffs of cloud as he tried to figure out,  or conjure up another conversation starter.

"Do you know any songs?" He perked up, sitting up straight as he looked at Virgil.

"Uh... Not really,  no." Virgil shook  his head.

"Well I know a small one, except it's not something I made myself."

"I don't mind, and you can sing if you want. I don't care." Virgil shrugged, resting  his chin in the palm of his hand.

"I don't really care whether you do or not, to be honest. I love singing." Roman giggled, crossing his legs.

Roman sat there a moment, fiddling with  his flower crown, and the placement of his bangs.

"There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword,

He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord.
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord

He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord."

Roman sang, combing his fingers through his hair as he fixed his flower crown.

Virgil knew the song. Quite well, actually.


"There will come a poet,

Whose weapon is his word,

He will slay you with his tongue,

o lei o lai o lord."

Virgil smiled widely at her, hugging her tightly.

"O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord.

He will slay you with his tongue,

o lei o lai o lord."


"There will come a ruler,

Whose brow is laid in thorn,

Smeared with oil like David's boy,

O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord."

Roman paused in his singing, noticing a few tears quickly trickle down the sides of Virgil's face.

"Virgil, are you okay?" Roman walked over to him, gently putting a hand on his shoulder.


"Are you okay honey?"


"Virgil, you're crying, are you okay?" Roman bent down, so he could meet Virgil's eyes, which were puffy.


"You're hurt, why don't you come with me? Sir Thom will gladly help you."


"Do you need a hug?"


"Do you need a family?"


Virgil nodded, hugging Roman tightly.

"I'm pathetic. Crying. I'm a god for rain's sake, I shouldn't be whining  like a child at a song." He muttered, leaning on Roman, who frowned at his words.

"We all have our breaking points, we have our ups and downs, and we make mistakes. We can't predict what we'll do, and what will go wrong." Roman rubbed Virgil's back.  "We can only decide our own actions, and even those could go wrong, even if we didn't intend them to."

"I guess you are right." Virgil looked up at him, smiling softly.

"Virgil, I..."

Roman leaned in, closing his eyes. Virgil blushed, doing the same.


"Hey kiddos!" Patton appeared on the cloud, causing Roman and Virgil to scramble away from one another, both bright red.

"How are you?" He smiled, clapping his hands.

"We're good." Roman looked at Virgil, who looked away, nodding.

'What. Just. Happened?'

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