Wasn't Even Home 2 Minutes

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-Lizzie's POV-

A month has flown by and baby Horan was due 2 days ago.. Niall's still not home, damn management. At least Eleanor, Sophia and Kerry are keeping an eye on me incase baby Horan does decide to arrive. Perrie's on tour but I wish she was here, she'd make this a lot more funnier for me since I can't do anything she'd be making fun of me trying to make me laugh.

"You guys having fun?" I laughed stroking Rex.

"I wish this baby would come then I CAN FINALLY BE AN AUNTIE!!" Kerry smiled.

"Hey Kerry, we'd all be aunties!!" El laughed.

"Oh yeah." Kerry laughed.

"Rex looks bored shitless." Sophia giggled looking at Rex.

"He probably is because he can't go for a walk." I said. "Do you actually know when the boys are coming back?"

"They're meant to be back on Tuesday.." El said.

"And it's Thursday.." I groaned.

"And I'm home early." A voice said.

We all looked at the doorway and saw Niall. I smiled as he came over and hugged me.

"Told ya I'd be home as soon as I could." He mumbled.

"Missed you." I whispered as he kissed my forehead and sat on the floor next to me.

Rex looked at Niall and got up walking over to him and sniffed him. He realised it was the sent on the pillow and licked Niall.

"Told ya he likes your sent." I giggled.

"And you where right." He smiled stroking Rex.


"No, we're waiting a few years." Niall answered.

Kerry, El and Sophia groaned as I laughed then felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

"You okay Liz?" Kerry asked.

"I-I think..." I paused feeling the sharp pain again.


"I just got home." Niall joked standing up and picking me up bridal style.

Kerry grabbed my bag as El and Sophia slipped their shoes on and rushed out to their cars, Niall placed me in the back of his Range Rover and Kerry climbed in next to me.

"You okay?" She asked.

"At the moment.." I groaned as Niall got into the drivers seat and began driving to the hospital.

Oh Shit.
"You okay babe?" Niall asked rubbing his thumb over my hand.

"Now that they've given me something for the pain." I sighed and he kissed my forehead.

"Your doing great.." He smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too." I smiled as Kerry walked into the room.

"Jonas is up to date and so are the boys and your dad and your parents Niall." She said.

"Thanks Kerry." Niall smiled.

"ANYTHING to become an auntie!!" She smiled and I laughed.

The midwife walked in while she looked at her clipboard.

"Now Lizzie, I'm just going to see how many centimetres your baby is." She said. "Your only 4 at the moment.."

I groaned and Niall kissed my hand.

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