Yay! I love spying!

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I am so sorry that I haven't posted, my family is having a rough time right now because my grandpa isn't doing well so I had to drive 7 hours to come and help take care of him. One of two things is going to happen: I'm going to be writing a lot to distract myself or I'm not going to be writing as often so we'll see which one it is. I'm also starting school Wednesday sooo...yeah. However, I will try to write as often as I can because I really love writing this and I think that you guys like it too! Thank you for your patience! 


I groan, "Five, it's already dark, what are we still doing here? We only have six days left."

"You know, you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left."

"All we are doing is sitting in a van outside a building."

"Yeah, you got a better idea?" he snaps.

"I've already told you what I think we should do," I say crossing my arms and turning to face out the window. "And you don't need to snap at me."

He scoffs, "Okay, then. There's our guy."

"Good for him," I say while refusing to look at him. If he's gonna choose to be a little bitch then I'll just ignore him.

"No, Av, look," he nudges my shoulder. "He's doing something sketchy."

I sigh and look over, "Oh shit he is doing something sketchy."

"What the hell is he up to?"

I squint into the darkness to try and get a better look at what our uncooperative doctor is doing. "It looks like some kind of off the books drug exchange or something, but I guess in this case it's prosthetics. That's some black market shit."

Five grabs my hand, "Come on, we're going to do some more spying."

"Yay! I love spying!" I say as the signature blue light surrounds us.

Well, basically what we did all night was follow Lance back to his apartment, which was boring, planned how to get him to talk, and I slept. Sleeping was the most eventful thing that happened. He did me real dirty saying that this bullshit was spying.

However, this morning I was promised that we would actually do something. This better not disappoint or I'm gonna go hang out with Klaus and leave this asshat in the dust. Hmm...maybe we can go get some food and talk shit about people in a foreign language. That sounds like a fun day.

"There he is," I'm snapped out of my daydream but Five poking me and pointing to Lance coming out of his apartment building with his very cute dog and unlock his car.

"Aww, Five, look at the puppy!"

"Shh," Five shushes me, that bitch. "Let's go." He quickly grabs my hand and jumps us into the car. I'm sitting in the back with the dog and Five is in the front seat, glaring at Lance and waiting for him to spot him.

He turns to face Five, "Oh, Jesus!"

Five immediately put a knife from my backpack to this throat, "One chance. That's all you got. One chance to tell us exactly what's going on in that lab."

"I-I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market."

"I knew it!" I exclaim in excitement as I throw my hands up in the air. "I knew you were doing black market shit!" Both boys look back at me as I resume petting Lance's fluffy dog. "What?"

Five shakes his head and turns back around to face Lance, "Including eyeballs?"

"Yeah, they're my biggest seller," he says shakily. "I mean, they sell like h-hotcakes. I-I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."

"So, the serial number I told you..." Five continues.

"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, off-off the books." Well, fuck.

Five sighs slowly, "We needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers, and we need it now!"

"I don't have it. I mean, not on me." Five narrows he eyes and Lance rushes out, "I mean not on me. The only copy's in my safe at the lab."

Five gives him a menacing smile, "Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause we're going on a field trip." Five takes away his knife while still looking at Lance who is shaking.


"Now," Five urges even more.

"Okay," Lance breathes out again as he tries to buckle up.

As we drive there is an awkward silence where Lance drives, Five glares at him, and I rub the dog happily. "What's your dog's name?" I ask the still very frightened doctor.

He looks at me strangely in the rear-view mirror as I pet his dog, "Uh, um, her name is Jasmine."

"That's a cute name. I've always wanted a dog but, my line of work doesn't really allow for it."


"I'm an assassin," I say while smiling at him.

He gives me a frightened look then looks back at the road with wide eyes. "We're h-here," he says while parking the car.

"Out," Five barks at him.

I look up as I rub Jasmine's ears, "Do I leave the dog in here?"

"Please," Lance whimpers.

I pout, "Bye, Jasmine," I say as I rub her one last time and step out of the car.

Five grabs Lance's arm and drags him down the street as I walk ahead of them on the sidewalk. As we walk, I get a whiff of something smokey. I look up and my eyes widen at the sight of the Meritech building on fire. "Oh, shit."

Five must have seen the building too because he runs past me and I quickly follow him. As we run I can hear the building collapsing and glass breaking. I quickly run to catch up to Five and come to a halt beside him. Before I even know what's happening, Five grabs on to me and shields me behind him as I yell out in surprise and we are thrown up into the air by an explosion from the burning Meritech building.

I feel the hard impact on my back as it collides with the ground, the weight of Five on top of me and a white-hot pain in my stomach as a result of Five landing on my injury. I cry out of pain at the three different impacts hit my body simultaneously. Son of a bitch. Five rolls off of me to my great relief and quickly looks over at me in worry.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

I screw my eyes shut and clutch my side, "You landed on my left side. You know it was feeling surprisingly okay till you decided to tackle the shit out of me," I try to chuckle.

I can see as he starts to panic, "Oh, fuck I'm sorry, Av. Are you-"

"That's the least of our worries," I trail off as I point at our only lead burning down to the ground.

He looks at the building longingly but quickly snaps his head back to me, "It's fine. We'll find another way. What I'm really worried about it those stitches tearing," he says getting up and crouching beside me. He smiles smugly, "I did spend a lot of time on them after all."

I roll my eyes with a light smile, "Only you would care about how long it took you to stitch something."

"Aw, are you jealous because you think I care about my stitching more than you?" I smirk as he pulls me to my feet gently.

"Well, you do have a knack for loving unanimated objects so given your track record-"

"Hey!" I snicker as I take his hand and he jumps us to some unknown destination. 

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