Chapter Four

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Oh Constance Billiard, probably the worst high school you could send your kids too, but it's the only high school that anyone goes too, well anyone on the upper east side at least. You have Blair and her snobby little clique, the freshmen who are pitifully sucking up to her, Serena who's almost always off doing her own thing, Nate doing whatever, and then Chuck just doing whatever he wants. It seems like all of the drama stays the same, no matter what it is. Probably some sex scandal or someone went broke. It's the same thing normally...
I walk into first period, late as usual, and I earn a look of disapproval from my teacher. I don't even remember her name, Mrs. Fritz? Fitzner? Who knows and who cares?
"Ms. Scott, why are you late?" She asks like the asshole she is
"Ummm... Traffic?" I said not really wanting to tell anyone about skating.
"Your other classmates seem to get here on time despite traffic, maybe you should allot time in your morning schedule for 'traffic'?" This woman is really getting on my last nerve
"Sure. That's completely possible for me," I replied with more than a hint of sarcasm in my voice.
"You're attitude is not appreciated, Ms. Scott. I would send you to detention but since you're already late, you would miss almost the whole class period. Anyway..." The teacher continued explaining some dumb math concept. I'm in algebra 3-4 and I don't understand any of it. Last year, math actually made sense. I have a B in this class and B stands for bad according to my parents.
Anyway as the teacher drones on about something that I'll never use or understand, I'm thinking of ways to get out of doing pairs. With Paul, that's near impossible. It probably is impossible. I really don't want to do pairs, as you can probably tell. If someone finds out, then I know that I'm going to get wrapped up in all of the gossip girl crap like everyone else. I don't have time for that. My skating doesn't have time for that. I need to focus. I can't afford any distractions, even if I am stuck doing pairs with Chuck. If I really am stuck doing pairs with him, then he needs to focus too. Seriously. I can't have my partner not 100% focused on skating. If we don't make it to at least nationals, Paul would practically kill me. No, not "practically" he would because he's Paul. Oh god, all Chuck freaking does is party. We're not going to make it to nationals and I'm going to die. I hope you have something nice to wear to my funeral. I can see it now...
The bell unexpectedly rings and I'm jerked from my near panic attack. I walk to my next class in a haze. I'm still thinking about what would happen if I didn't go to nationals this year. God that would be horrible. When I get to the classroom, I really don't even remember walking there, I just remember thinking about this season. At least I somewhat enjoy language arts. Most of the time, we just write for the whole period because we have the laziest teacher ever. She's literally said three phrases all year. "Read the instructions", "Be quiet", and "You have lunch detention". She doesn't even know our names. All she does is hand us the directions for a project, eats, and gives us lunch detentions. The class is silent and were supposed to be working on another essay. The period goes on like usual and as usual two kids get lunch detention. I actually really like language arts but this teacher seriously makes it feel like a chore. The period ends after what seems like an eternity.
I walk to history, which isn't too bad of a class. It goes by uneventfully and rather quickly. Then I have science. My least favorite class. I hate everything about it. I'm seriously debating skipping it. I did go yesterday... I could probably get the notes from someone, Jessica maybe? Okay that class is getting skipped and I'm going to the rink. I'm not in the mood to deal with that teacher today. No one will probably notice that I'm gone anyway, it's not like I have that many real friends anyway.
I go to my locker to grab my Lululemon duffel bag and a text book. I walk away and run straight into my favorite person. Chuck Bass. I hope you noticed the sarcasm. He was a wall mainly because I ran into his chest because I'm really short.
"Where are you going?" He said mischievously "Isn't there three more periods left?"
"It's none of your business and bedsides I only have four periods a day" I reply in my usual dry and sarcastic tone "Don't you have like three more girls to have sex with anyways?"
"She talks?" Chuck asks sarcastically "and for your information, I don't have sex on school grounds, it's just tacky. But I'm available after school"
God he's such a perv.
"Yes "she" does and actually you're not available anymore afternoons" I replied "you have afternoon practice."
"That shit is twice a day? No wonder you have no life" He whines
"Unfortunately, but you get used to being tired all the time" I said "and don't skip a day unless you want to be killed by Paul"
"He seemed alright to me..." Chuck said clearly confused
"Give him a week" I replied almost laughing "anyway bye I have to leave"
"Are you going to the rink?" He whined
"Yes," I called behind me "Remember? I don't have a life," and with that, I left Constnce Billard for the day.


Hey guys! So I'm sorry for the long wait. I feel like it was really long anyway.... so if you guys have any ideas or directions you want the story to go in, comment and if anyone has tips on how to improve my writing, please comment.


should I do a question of the chapter?

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