Chapter 2

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It was August 15th.

Zak shot up from his bed, screaming bloody murder. He held his head with his hands, his breathing heavy and irregular.

"What the hell?" Zak yells in his mind, trying to correct his breathing. He remembers what happened.

The smell, the color of the blood, that Skeppy; he remembers everything.

"Was," His mind began to clear, his hyperventilating finally calming down, "Was that a dream?"

Zak seemed pretty convinced that it was just a nightmare, considering the other night he played a scary horror map with Darryl, and Darryl, in-game, actually died. "I gotta stop playing scary maps," he thinks. He sighed in relief, but just to make sure...

Zak looked at his alarm clock, "8:32 am," he says aloud, having déjà vu. "That was the time when I woke up in that dream." He hopped off his bed and pushed the curtains wide open.

Zak looked out the window, seeing nothing but the empty, blue sky. The morning sun shined through the trees, littering his yard with yellow spots. The morning looked beautiful. He doesn't smile.

He hears a ding coming from his phone, notifying him that he has received a message. Zak had a confused, shocked look on his face, staring at the device. He picks it up, hoping that he was just overreacting because of a silly dream.

Hey Zak! You ready for our meet up at the park? :D

He couldn't help but stare at the screen. Bloody images burned into his mind, remembering the truck dismembering his friend into bits. He shivered.

Oh, that was today? Lol I forgot. I thought that was yesterday

Wow dude. Smooth.

Zak, are you serious?
Oh my goodness, we planned this out a few days ago, how can you forget?

Busy :P

Zak felt weird, considering the fact that he was experiencing déjà vu. He swore that the first text was in his dream.

"Can I predict the future?" Zak attempted to joke, but it made him even warier. If Zak can tell the future, then maybe Darryl is going to...

"No, it's just a stupid dream," He mutters in his mind. "Besides, maybe I just knew that he would message that, cause it's Bad."

Whatever, you muffin top.
Anyways, what time do you want to meet? I'm thinking 12:00? If that's okay with you, of course

Zak had a nauseous feeling in the back of his throat when he read the time Darryl suggested.

Yeah, sure.

Yay! See you soon, you muffin <3

Zak hesitated before typing a response, trying to stay in character.

You too, Baldy <3

"Oh my goodness," Zak mutters, trying to imitate Darryl's voice.


Zak winced when he read the name 'Skeppy'. It reminded him about that strange thing he saw. Why did that outline look a lot like his Minecraft skin? And what the hell was it talking about? "What you see is exactly what you're gonna get," He mumbled to himself.

He shook his head as he tossed his phone on the bed, and decided to collect the clothing he will be wearing for the day. He walks towards his dresser and opens the top drawer, shoving his hand in the drawer to pull out a shirt.

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