Dave's Diary

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Dear diary...
  Its been a whole year since I arrived at the shell, but I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember standing on the dock and seeing The Hermit Crab's Shell for the first time. I had noticed the way the building curved around the courtyard, I had studied the shapes and words etched into the path under my feet, and I had been overwhelmed by the diverse population.
I remember when I was shown my room how I was told I could decorate it any way I wanted, with the one warning that if I changed rooms the rooms next occupant would have that liberty with anything left behind.
I remember my first group activity, I didn't even know Samantha at the time she invited me to tye dye with a group.
I remember Erin carrying my bedsheets and pillowcases down to the courtyard for me, and how Hakeem helped me rubber band them to tye dye. I Remember Nico, who spoke no English at the time, spilling dye on himself as he gestured wildly as communication with me. And I remember sleeping on my newly tye dyed sheets realizing I'd forgotten the names of everyone I'd met that day.
I still sleep on those same sheets, and I still see those same people. I know the names of most around me, and I've been working to learn all the languages spoken on the island. Nico and I still don't always understand each other but by dropping any words we know from eachothers languages in a sentence, we've gained a way to actually talk!
As celebration for having lived a full year at the Shell, I'm planning to go down to the docks and help with the welcome setup. I'm hoping there will be a new member I can meet, but even if not, I can help organize the boat and pick out some new clothes and toys to be given to the next arrival. I'll write later about how it goes.

Authors Note: I enjoy writing diary entrances, so I thought I'd use one to give example of what its like at the Hermit Crab's Shell.

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