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Hawkins, Indiana, 1983

12:00 am, Midnight

It was a quiet, peaceful night in the small town.

Most people were asleep, others were up late doing, whatever.

In the middle of the forest of the town, a few teenagers were smoking, laughing, and doing whatever.

But, then...


The teens all freeze and quiet down as a loud hiss could be heard.

The teens shine their flashlights throughout the forest in a panic, looking for what creature made that hiss.

One of the teens leans back against a tree, then the kid feels something land on his shoulder, the kid feels his shoulder and a bunch of this slimy and sticky liquid was all over his shoulder.

But, then...


The teen gets impaled by a blade!

The two other teens turn around and stare in fear as their flashlights shine upon a monster that didn't belong on earth.

On the tree, was a black eight to nine foot tall creature, with a long cylinder dome head with no eyes, with four funnel, dorsal tubes or hoses on its back, and had a blade, the same blade to impale the one teen, connected to its ten foot long tail.

This creature was called a Xenomorph.

The Xenomorph shakes the human it impaled, off its tail, and the human dies.

The Xenomorph then loudly screeches at the two other humans.

The two teens scream in horror, they drop their flashlights and turn to run away.

The Xenomorph jumps off of the tree it was clinging to, and it lands on one of the other humans and pins him down on his back.

The remaining human keeps running.

The pinned human screams, he tries to get the creature off of him, but there was nothing he could do.

The Xenomorph opens its mouth and reveals a secondary set of jaws dripping with saliva.

The pinned human lets out one last scream, then...


The Xenomorph plunges its inner jaw through the human's head, killing him.

The Xenomorph then looks in the direction where the last human ran away, and the Xenomorph runs on all fours after the human.

The last teen kept on running and was looking back every few seconds.

When the teen looks back and looks forward again, and ten feet in front of him, a dark, ten foot tall silhouette faces him, the human gasps and falls over.

The human gets back up, and looks forward, but the figure was gone?

The human stands back up, full of fear, and he turns to run the other way, but then.


The Xenomorph comes out of nowhere, the human screams and falls backwards.

The Xenomorph stands to its full height on two legs, the human quickly crawls backwards away, the Xenomorph slowly walks after the human.

The human ends up backing into a tree, the human stares in fear as the Xenomorph approaches slowly closer.

The Xenomorph bends down and grabs the human by the shoulders with its clawed hands.

DEMOGORGON VS. XENOMORPHWhere stories live. Discover now