The Furnace

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Ever since that day, something had changed between the two. Their entire dynamic had taken on a more playful air to it. Sure, the first time they'd seen each other was a bit awkward (it was in more of a group setting), but soon enough you could see how much closer their bond appeared to be.

They continued on as normal for a while, not really seeing much of each other without the others around, but that was how it'd always been. Still, if you looked closer beneath the surface you could see it. The occasion wink snuck in, the subtle jokes, the exchange of looks behind everyone's backs as the images of that night reerrupted into their minds, only to be quickly subdued.

Frankly, they thought about it a lot.

Like... George. Right now, doing some quick mining for some coal. Quite the boring work, really. It's no surprise his mind starts to wander.

"...Maybe I could return the favour." George smirked.
Maybe he could, George thought.

   Soon enough, he's got all he needs, and heads out of the cave into the chilly night air. Damn, stayed out late again. Over the last few days it gotten even colder. He wishes he'd brought something other than his basic blue T-shirt to keep warm. He can see his breath in the air in front of him. Quickly, he shivers his way across the mountain onto the dock of him and his friends shared lake home. He runs in, desperate to get away from the frigid air piercing his down to his bones.

    George shoves the coal in the furnaces he's laid out for his smelting. Sitting down in front of the furnaces, he wraps a blanket around his back to warm up and places his hands on the hot stone to warm them up. It works wonders. The only thing left cold now is his feet. So cold... but the rest of him is getting a little toasty now. So he decides to stand on top of the furnace.

"What is it with you and running in to stand on furniture items lately?" George jumps a bit, startled. It's Sapnap, coming down the spiral staircase.

"I'm cold!" George says, squatting down awkwardly onto his feet as too be at a less awkward height for talking.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure, are you sure this isn't just some mating ritual or something?" He jokes, crouching down in front of the furnace to warm himself up. George flushes a deep red, cheeks already pink from having been outside.

"No, you idiot, it's not... that!" They laugh. "Besides, it's not like we properly, you know... last time. Though, that would certainly make me warmer, I suppose..." He trails off.

"Mm, are you suggesting something, Georgie?" Sapnap hums, half joking.

"I mean, I wasn't... nessisarily, but... I certainly can't say I'm opposed to suggesting something." He blushes.

"I'm not 'opposed' to you suggesting something either, but suggest too much and you might make me think you wanna get somethin'." Sapnap warns.

"Get somethin'?"

"Eh, you know, get somethin'." Sapnap teases. George bits his lip and looks down at him.

"And what if I wanted to... get somethin'?" George asked shyly, not really sure what he was doing, just that he thinks he likes where this is going. And he certainly likes this flirting.

"Well, then... you could." Sapnap bites his lip, looking George up and down. "Do you?"

"Maybe I do, Snapmap." He teases. He wiggles his finger at him in a 'come here' motion, and stands up with him, leaving his blanket on top of the furnace. He rests his hands on the others shoulders and behind his neck, looking in to his eyes. Sapnap takes him by the waist and pulls his hips in starkly, causing George to hitch his breath a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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