The Life of Lyssa Lestrange - Part 1

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Fred lay on the bed, not moving, while George was sitting on the chair, staring out the window. The rest of the Weasleys let them be, they knew it was hard for them to cope with the pain. It was only a week ago when they still had someone they considered a Weasley triplet.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, YOU LAZY-SLEEPY-IDIOT-BED HEADS!!!!" Lyssa screamed at the top of her lungs. George groaned and threw the blanket back over his head, and Fred threw a pillow two feet away from her. Lyssa stared at them, exasperated. "WE'RE GOING TO HOGWARTS, IDIOTS! WAKE UP!" They didn't budge. She sighed. "I'll ask Molly to make extra pancakes." She said in a soft voice. In hslf a minute, the twins were downstairs scarfing down a huge pile of pancakes. Lyssa looked at them, disgusted."Come on, we're going to be late for your first year!!" Molly said, panicking. 

Lyssa smiled at the photograph. Fred and George were eating as many pancakes as they could, while she was eating some cereal. They were all smiling at the camera, although the twins' smiles were disgusting, with milk dribbling out of their mouths. Disgusting, but she loved them just the same. She sighed as she quickly prepared her quill and gathered her books. As she walked over to the cabinet where she and the twins usually met, she saw Marcus Flint shove Neville Longbottom to the floor. She ran over to them. She shoved Flint aside and helped Neville up, grabbing his belongings from the ground and giving them to him. Marcus scowled. "Go back to your fake family, Lestrange." Neville cowered, and turned even paler than before. She understood why, her mother had been put in Azkaban for torturing Neville's parents. She glared back at Flint. "They're not my fake family. But it's not like you'd know the difference. Stop bullying Neville, or you'll wake up to bright pink hair. With extra sparkles." She added. Flint paled, and ran away. His biggest fear really was glitter. She turned to look at Neville, but he was already gone. She smiled sadly. There wasn't anything she could do to redeem her last name. Her family was full Death Eaters,  and one of the most loyal families to Lord Voldemort. She sighed. It was her fifth year at Hogwarts, and she had changed a lot. In her first year, all she did was help the twins with their pranks. But she hardly ever did that now. She was focused more on her OWLS, and the occasional snooping. She looked for every person her parents had wronged, and tried to make it up to them. Usually she tried finding someone at Hogwarts whose parents were hurt by hers. She followed them every day, and made sure they weren't getting into any trouble with the Slytherins, and occasional mean Gryffindors. She dropped past notes for the Charms exams in Claudia Weathers' bag every week. She sent Daniel Roberts a patch that was charmed to show the time, and when his classes were, since he was usually late. She made sure that Neville Longbottom wasn't getting in trouble with bullies, and left him a paper with the password for the common room for the week. She helped tutor the Creevey brothers, and occasionally gave Astoria Greengrass fashion advice. She became friends with Aniana Potter, and practiced Quidditch with Lawrence Wood. She helped Isabel Snicket when Isabel's was crying over her mother's grave. She helped Danielle Thomas with Potions, and Danielle helped her with DADA, something she was never good at. She did all of this while studying for her OWLS, giving the twins ideas for more products, and making them believe that she was studying all the time. But even if she did all this, Claudia ran away every time every time she saw Lyssa, too scared of when Rudolphus Lestrange burned down her house, and killed her grandfather, who was a muggle born. Daniel never wasted an opportunity to make fun of Lyssa, repeating the time when her mother constantly bullied his. And, Neville... well, enough said. She walked over to the cabinet, and the twins were already there. They raised an eyebrow, and she grinned, handing them a bag. She had perfected the products for an idea they had, Skiving Snackboxes. Lyssa's specialty was Potions, while the twins had the best ideas. "I wish we had the money to open a shop." George said suddenly. "We could sell fireworks, joke items, snackboxes, it would be just like Zonko's." Fred continued. Lyssa laughed. "I'm surprised how you got into Gryffindor, you're Slytherins really. Big dreams, and goals that would be impossible to achieve." They grinned. "Just you wait. Just you wait."

In a few years, with Harry giving them his winnings in the Tournament, she was standing inside of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, helping a little girl find some Pygmy Puffs. The shop closed soon, and when the customers left with their items, she turned off the lights, and she and the twins headed upstairs. That was the last day the shop had three owners. They closed the shop because it was getting too dangerous with another breakout from Azkaban. And now, here she was, fighting at the Battle of Hogwarts. She stunned a few Death Eaters, disarmed two more, and kicked one in the stomach. "LYSSA!" She heard George shout. She looked in his direction, and ducked in time. He grabbed her arm. "We need to find them! Bill, Fleur and Charlie were safe the last time I saw them. We need to find Fred, Ron and Percy!" She nodded, and they started running. Soon they saw them, they were dueling several Death Eaters. Harry and Hermione were there, along with a few more DA members. She dueled Augustus Rookwood with Fred and Percy. She was laughing really, Percy had just told a joke, when she heard an explosion, then everything went dark. 

Different From The OthersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora