Chapter 27

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I have committed a social faux-pas. A technological felony, if you will. 

I double texted.

No, I'm lying. I triple texted.

In my defense, I was rather tactful... I think.

I asked Hunter if perhaps it would be better to meet in person to talk. He didn't reply. Then a day later, I said "or whatever works for you". Again, no reply. I'm starting to think that he's ghosting me. Albeit, he has valid reasons.

This whole 'have faith' nonsense is easier said than done. How am I supposed to remedy the situation if he won't talk to me? Kimmy suggested that I reach out through Jack, but it seems juvenile to involve other people. Plus, Jack has been slightly distant with Kimmy since the press conference, canceling dinners and postponing dates. I suppose they both have a lot going on right now, so I'm trying to be patient. But patience is hard to muster up when someone you love is slipping further and further away from you.     

Standing in line at Starbucks, the familiar scent of Chanel number 7 fills the air. I turn around to the grumpy Southern woman who won't make eye contact with me.

"Good morning, Marice," I say cheerfully. Maybe today it'll be different. 

"Miss Sterling." Marice nods then roll her eyes like a petulant teenager.

Nope, no change. Marice has been moody and one-wordy with me for the last eight days. Eight days! If I had to venture a guess, Hunter's mom probably mentioned our 'break-up' to her, and now I'm in the dog house.

"Marice, can we just talk? Please?" I beg as we pick up our orders. "You can't ignore me forever!"

"Watch me!" Marice huffs and starts walking to her office. 

"Marice!" I whine, desperately trying to get her attention. "I'm sorry!"

Marice comes to a sudden halt and I bump into her, spilling coffee down my sleeve. "Sorry for what exactly? Breaking that poor boy's heart? Or doing it after making him fall in love with you? Hmm?" She unlocks her office door, shuffles inside, and slams it in my face.

God, she's savage.

To be fair, she did warn me. If someone breaks my little cub's heart, I will never forgive that person. Little did I know, she was being completely serious.

I trudge down the hallway to Camille's office and slump into the chair opposite hers.

"Marice?" Camille asks as she passes me her laptop.

"Yup," I sigh.

"Been there," Camille shrugs sympathetically.

Camille caught me crying in the bathroom several days ago when I was on the phone with Kimmy. There's something strangely magical about a room full of toilets that just bonds women. She proceeded to pat me on the shoulder and fix my running mascara. For a minute, I thought hell had frozen over, but then the rumor mill started spinning. News travels fast in a department mostly populated by women: Mr. Tremblay was getting divorced. Once the papers were served, Camille and Mr. Tremblay went public with their relationship. Camille is now a homewrecker, but at least she's a happy homewrecker. I was worried she'd fire me since I didn't have anything on her anymore but she actually started acting nice. Her attitude did a complete 180, which I'm grateful for because we have to work together on the SunFire account.  

We have until the end of the week to finalize all promotional material before Christmas break. The CEO of SunFire is hopeful for a January 2nd launch. Camille and I jokingly suggested the slogan of "New Year, New Me, New Phone" but the executive team loved the idea, so now we're rolling with it. Don't get me wrong, Camille and I are not friends, but at least our work relationship is now amicable.

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