Bath (XIV - temperance: run)

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"I need to go feed Inanna, I'll be back soon." Muriel slides out of the bath and leaves wrapped in a towel. I lean on the marble and watch him go, admiring him. Slowly I slip back into the water and begin cleaning myself. Nobody is here so i close the door and slip of the robe so i can wash easily. One of the bottles is delightfully floral and i cover myself with it, sighing gently at finally being clean. I comb rich oil conditioners into my hair and finally feel less covered in dirt. I wonder where Nadia got all these bottles?

The door moves slowly and I turn to look back as I Muriel steps in. "Oh!!! I'm sorry I-I..." He shuffles before shutting the door. I quickly pull on my robe again and peek out the door. "It's okay I'm covered now." I chuckle, tying the ribbon. Muriel walks in with his hand over his eyes and finds his way to the bath, dropping in wobbly. "You can look!" I pat his back. He slowly drops his hand and blushes brightly. I smile and sit back onto his lap. "Is this okay?"
"Uhm...yeah I mean- Yeah." He says, flustered still. I rest against him; the hot water is making me sleepy. He seems to relax too, resting his head on the edge of the bath. I turn to face his chest and finally see his scars up close. Almost without thinking, my finger trails across one. He looks down at me and furrows his eyebrows, "What is it?"
"It's so hard to picture you hurt... I hope you never get any more..."
He watches me intently as I find each one. Soon I reach the one on his face and frown a little. He must've been hurt so bad. I hold his head and place a long kiss on the scar. He lets out a quiet hum and smiles, "They don't feel so scary now."
"Do you need anything else that needs being made not scary?" I chuckle.
He blushes and looks to the side, shyly bringing a finger to his lips. I slowly bring his lips to mine and wrap my arms around his neck. He's so tall I have to reach up to get to him. I find him being far more relaxed in this kiss. He kisses hard, really wanting it. I smile on his lips and brush my fingers through his hair. He deepens the kiss and I pull him closer, wrapping my legs around his waist. The different position makes us fall into the water, my back resting gently on the floor of the tub. The two of us sit up and laugh, "maybe we should get out of the bath now,,"

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