Chapter II

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It took some time, but the two humans finally caught up to their targets. "Give it up, Titan, and release the boy," Levi ordered. Eren growled at the two. "Eren, it's okay. Call more Titans," Armin suggested calmly. The Titan gave Armin a doubtful look. "Trust me, Eren," the blonde pledged.

The Titan nodded and let off a loud roar. Instantly, the ground started to as Titans started to gather around the area. Levi cursed, "I'll kill the Titan, while you grab the kid," he ordered as he charged the Titan. Hanji nodded and followed after her squad leader.

"Eren, the Scouts are getting closer. We should get going," Armin suggested. Eren growled an agreement and started to run. Before they could escape, Levi attacked Eren's heel. The Titan roared in pain and fell to the ground. "Eren!" Armin yelled as he fell to the ground and started running towards his friend.

Before the blonde could reach his Titan friend, Hanji swooped in and dashed the boy off his feet. "Let me go!" the nine year old yelled as he started struggling. "Sorry, kid, but that's not happening," Hanji replied as she started to head out of the forest.

"You don't understand! Eren needs me! Let me go, human!" Armin yelled as he continued to struggle. "You do know, that you're a human as well. Right?" Hanji asked. "Just shut up and let me go!" the blonde yelled as he bit the scientist's hand. The brunette bit her lip and held onto the blonde tightly.

"Quit it, kid. Do you know how many Titans are in this forest?" Hanji asked. "It doesn't matter! Eren will come and save me!" Armin yelled. Hanji stayed silent, but was curious about the blonde's faith in the Titan.

Finally, Hanji made it back to the other Scouts and was horrified at the condition she found. It was, in better words, a bloodbath. Scattered body parts and blood everywhere.

"Eld, Petra, what happened here?" Hanji asked, as she tried to keep the bile raising up in her throat down. "We were over whelmed by Titans of different sizes. Not even the strongest of soldiers stood a chance," Petra reported. Hanji sighed sadly, "Well, at least our mission was a success," she muttered.

Petra eyes widened, "So, basically, half of our squad was killed just for this kid," she snapped as she glared at the boy. "Petra, this kid seems to be able to communicate with Titans! How interesting is that!? Chikachironi and Albert will be so happy!" Hanji cried cheerfully. Petra sighed, "You're hopeless," she muttered.

"ERRRRRREN!" yelled the blonde boy. Both females jumped and looked at the boy bewildered. "Who the heck is Eren?" Petra asked perplexed. "The Titan from earlier must be Eren. Not the best name for a Titan, but I guess it's an okay name," Hanji said with a shrug.

"ERRRRRREN!" the blonde yelled again. "God, this kid is giving me a headache," muttered Petra. "Same here. Shitty Glasses, shut him up," ordered Levi as he approached the two. "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH EREN, SHORT STACK!" Armin demanded. Levi smirked, "You mean that Titan? It's dead. As we speak that Titan is disintegrating," he answered.

Armin's eyes widened in horror. "N-no, y-you're wrong. H-he promised me...HE PROMISED!" he protested. "Well, that Titan gave you false hope. Those creatures drove mankind behind those walls. Who is more deserving? Man or Titan?" Levi asked.

The blonde lowered his head and whispered something. "What? I didn't hear you," Levi said as he leaned closer. "Both," the nine year old whispered. The short man frowned, "Both? Where the hell did you come up with that?" Levi asked.

Armin stayed silent. "Well? I'm waiting," Levi said impatiently. "I came up with it myself," Armin muttered. Levi hummed, "Sure you did," he said clearly unconvinced. "No, it's the truth," Armin insisted.

"I highly doubt a nine year old would come up with such an idea," Levi said. Armin bit his lip, "Drat, this guy is sharp," he thought. "So who gave you that idea? Was it that Titan?" Levi asked as he glared down at the boy. Armin looked away and nodded. The short man snorted, "A fool's dream. Titans and humans can't live in harmony, it's impossible," he said.

"Nothing is impossible! You say that Titans and humans can't live in harmony! Look at Eren and me! We were happy, before you people came in and killed him!" Armin yelled tearfully. "That Titan would have eaten you sooner or later. We saved you the trouble of becoming Titan food," Levi reasoned.

"Eren would never do that! He's my friend! He saved me from the ruble of Wall Maria!" Armin cried. "Open your damn eyes, you brat, the world is a cruel and unforgiving place. The Titans are mankind's worst enemy. Just shut the hell up and let us take you back to Wall Rose," Levi growled.

"No, I refuse to go anywhere near that prison!" Armin protested. "Walls Maria, Rose, and Sina are meant to protect the last of mankind from Titans. Get that through your think little skull," Levi snapped. "N-" Armin started, but was knocked unconscious by Levi.

"Damn kid, giving me a headache. Everyone who is able to move, start packing your comrades onto the wagons. Anyone who is unable to move, we will bandage you up as soon as we can," Levi said.

"Sir," the group yell half heartily. "Shitty Glasses, watch the kid," Levi ordered as he walked away. Hanji nodded and tied Armin up.

A few minutes later...

"Okay, everyone, back to Wall Rose!" Levi ordered. "Sir," the platoon called half heartily as they started walking towards mankind's prison.

(Unknown location)

Deep within earth's surface, five hood figures were meeting with their leader. "You sure went down fast," commented one of the figures, this one a male. There was a dark growl from the shadows. "Smiley, stop it, The Coordinator is tired," snapped an elderly voice.

Smiley grinned, "oh, come on, Elder! Why don't we just kill him? I am a bit hunger," he said. Another hooded figure glared at the man. "Watch it, Smiley, you're still a newly formed warrior. I would watch your tongue," the hooded figure, this one a woman, said coldly. Smiley chuckled, "Am I the only one that's having a good time here?" he asked jokingly.

He was answered by silence.

Smiley frowned, "Tough crowd," he muttered. The "Coordinator" growled again. The five figures stiffened at the sound of their leader's growl. "Are you sure about that, sir? You really want us to infant Wall Rose?" the female asked. She was answered by another growl.

"I see. So only Female, Armor, and I," a soft voice sounded. There was a growl of conformation. "As you wish, Coordinator," all three said in unison.

"What about us?" Elder asked. The Coordinator growled again. "As you wish," Elder said with a bow. "Ah, come on, dude! Can't we go into the walls too!? Not find some unknown and useless Titan Shifter for you to gobble up!" Smiley protested.

"Smiley! Watch your tone!" Elder scowled. Smiley growled and walked away. "Please, excuse my friend's rudeness, Coordinator," Elder pleaded. Coordinator growled again softer this time. "Thank you, thank you for your mercy," Elder thanked as he hurried away.

"We will also be taking our leave," Female said. The three Shifters bowed in unison and walked away. Left alone, the Coordinator let off a load roar filled with sadness and rage.

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