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Thisidureos is a medium sized island deep in the Sicyths seas

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Thisidureos is a medium sized island deep in the Sicyths seas. They have heard rumors of other lands across the sparking waters, and have decided that adventurers are needed to find such places.

You will be joining in one of five roles, in one of six groups. Each group will be given challenges, and a Kixt as an assistant. (I'm the Kixt)

Your goal is to stay alive and complete all of the challenges, so that you might be gifted wings, and allowed to go on the expedition.

The cities and towns in Thisidureos are mainly clustered around the streams and rivers of the island, with the capital by the lake. The high Wizard lives on the peninsula to the south.

Much of the island is uninhabitable, with dangerous creatures and unknown surroundings, but the groups will spend most of their time in the Uncharted Forests.

Most of Thisidureos is covered in trees, mainly comprised of coniferous forests, but some deciduous trees are sprinkled in.

The lighter/paler green it is on a map, consider it more dangerous. The oceans are not safe.

The oceans are never safe.

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- must be good with at least one weapon
- must be over 16

Nature Specialist
- must be able to identify stuff
- must be over 16

- must be skilled in healing/medicine
- must be over 16

- must be trained in at least one form of Mek
- must be able to read runes
- must be over 16

- must be good at planning
- can have any skills
- must be over 18

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People living in Thisidureos are quiet similar to you and I, but with one main difference.

Some have wings.

None of your characters will have wings when we start, but if they make it to the end and join the expedition, the high Wizard will gift them wings. Wings are the most coveted things in Thisidureos.

Also, Thisiduren do not have white skin. They are warmer shades, from pale caramel to rich coffee tones. Please put in your character accordingly.

They tend to dress in simple clothes, as there is no need for extravagance. Also, jeans aren't a thing. Or hoodies, for that matter.

The men wear loose fitting pants and tunics, but the higher up in status you are, the more colorful your garments will be.

Women wear a variety of things, depending on their occupation. Mothers and those who work at home will remain in skirts, while those who work out in the forests or with the rest of the men, require the freedom of pants.

Also, people here get married young. It is not uncommon for a Thisiduren to be younger than 18 and already have a baby. The common age for marriage is a 16. At 13, boys will be assisted by their father to begin building their own home, so they are ready to move out at 16.

Most Thisidurens live right by the water, on in houses rising up the large trees. They must be very sturdy and just big enough for a family of four.

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Mekrin are Thisidurens born with magic in their veins. However, it is not known as magic, but as Mek. Babies born under a new moon have Mek, and the season they are born in determines their category of Mek.

Istus- season of sun and light. Light Mek

Veut- season of rain and darkness. Dark Mek

Twus- season of color and sound. Heat Mek

Ehek- season of wind and snow. Cold Mek.

Once a Mekrin reaches the age of 13, they are sent to study with the high Wizard, so they might learn how to read runes and how to control their Mek.

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The flora and fauna of Thisidureos is similar to the kinds we know now, but also wildly different.

The trees are mainly coniferous, but in wild shades of blue and orange. All dead plants revert back to muted pine green.

Watch out for roots. They have large thorns, and some report that they move. Watch out for roots.

Deer? Six foot tall. With glowing fangs. And an extra pair of eyes.

Wolves? About the size of a chihuahua, and just as vicious. Hunts in large packs that will knock you down an eat you alive. Also, they are green.

Birds? Loud, large, and usually in muted tones of grey or green. Beware when they go silent.

More information will be unlocked as the map is explored

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