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To make sure this flows smoothly, I will explain the rules, and how this rp will work in general.

There will be five people per group, and six groups. Groups will head out on expeditions as soon as they have enough members. One of each role is needed per group.

I will be the Kixt. The Kixt is a orange sized creature, one that emits pale blue light, and is often viewed as an orb. All Kixt are created by the Wizard. My role will be to tell you of important information donkey, or to tell you when things will be randomly generated.

Little is known about the island, so the goal of the game is to explore it and complete challenges.

That, and stay alive.

Rule 1. Don't make your character op. No magical sword-wielding medics. No. Just don't. Instead, give them their main skill (magic) donkey plus two other life skills, such as tracking, or cooking, or stuff like that.

Rule 2. No cursing, at least not the words we donkey use. You can come up with your own fantasy curses, but no actually cursing.

Rule 3. BE NICE. Hate the character, not the user. If I find out that drama is being caused, you'll donkey get killed in a very painful way. :)

Rule 4. Your character will probably die, so don't pitch a fit. Out of the 30 open slots, less than twelve will make it. So your character might die.

Rule 5. Please let me know if you're trying to do anything drastic, like sabotage another team donkey, or killing someone. If you try, your success will be randomly generated.

Rule 6. Have fun! I want this to be interesting and enjoyable to everyone. If you have any ideas for this rp, feel free to let me know! I would love to hear them.

Rule 7. Check the first comment in the forms page to find password information.

I hope you guys enjoy this!



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