Yes Sherlock and Archie i am gay

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Hello welcome back
I wrote this at 3 am when I was sad aha 😎
anyways enjoy
Tw// heavy themes so watch out

The unlikely pair were alone in the kitchen as Dominic and John were busy doing gay shit upstairs, John being willingly entranced by the other's demonic abilities (secretly hoping he'll have them be used on him, cough cough.)
There they sat at the table, Sherlock mentally analysing on what to say next as Archie smiles absentmindedly, utterly in love, resting his head on his hand. Internally, the detective is slightly unnerved by the demon's eternal stare with love hearts practically in his eyes. This is due to the fact Archie is several times massive than him and unaware of what he can truly do, rendering him a somewhat risk if he was ever emotionally fired up. However, his compliance and obedience gave Sherlock the chance to easily manipulate answers and whatever he feels like getting out of Archie.
Out of the blue, the demon in question spoke, "I really like your eyes, Mr detector." He still had that smile on.
Sighing, Sherlock answered, "That's the third time you said that to me in the same hour, Archie, you must really do like me to the point of pointless repetition. Also for that matter, I'm a detective, a detector is a metal device."
Archie gave a sound of acknowledgement, though he sounded as if he were dreaming.
"I just really like the eye colour of humans especially, they're so nice to look at."
The calm implication that Archie himself was something other than human was again, unnerving Sherlock, which wasn't aided by the aforementioned stare of adoration.
"So you're a demon, right. You come from Hell, yes?"
Archie nods.
"Something tells me you yourself, though you maybe a demon now, are more of a special.. different kind. You certainly have a lot more personality to share, likewise to Dominic- who is half demon half human- and I'm betting being social is a more human trait. I'm right aren't I?"
Sherlock now had a stare of righteousness, scanning Archie for any change of features. But, the other's face remained the same, smiling on and on.
Archie again nodded,
"Yes, I was said to be just a normal human boy. However, my human mother in her pregnancy, prayed to the demons of the underworld for me to come out strong and powerful- quite ironic since her husband John Alby was a strict Catholic- so I ended up human yet something was growing inside of me that gradually surged over time. So! I am mostly demon but I have a few percentage of human genes left in me."
Naturally, this dump of information was quite a lot to take in, but Sherlock took it all in his stride.
"What demon did your mother pray to?"
He asked like this was an interrogation; Archie replied with the same quick energy.
The detective made a face, "And who are they, exactly?"
"Psymallion is technically my demon mother! I've seen her a couple times and I think she's pretty. She's Wrath."
"Wrath! I forgot to mention, silly me, Hell is split up into the 7 deadly sins, so 7 circles. Sloth, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Greed, Wrath and Pride. My mother leads the 6th circle- she is Wrath."
This newfound discovery of Archie hit Sherlock like a ton of bricks but he refused to show it.
"So supposedly, she's the queen of an entire- how many demons are in each circle?"
Archie tilted his head back in thought, "I don't know, demons reproduce quite quickly. The populations are in the tens of millions, probably. I know Wrath is the fourth most populated after Greed, Gluttony and Lust."
Allowing for once a drop of human emotion, Sherlock blinked at the reveal.
"So, I'm guessing you're quite.. powerful."
"Probably, I don't know. I never tried the full extent of my powers. One time I set London on fire when I was in my late adolescence in 1820."
If Sherlock was drinking, he'd be choking on it. If setting an entire city ablaze was not the full extent of his powers, what was? Could he even imagine it? This time, he showed the most of what he was feeling- he gulped.
He had somewhat underestimated the sheer amount of abilities Archie had, quite now aware if he so wanted, Archie could probably end his life right then and there, or worse, unravel his memories and make him forget how to be a detective. Good thing the man-demon was hopelessly in love with him.
Just as he was about to ask him about showing off his powers, Archie asked,
"Would you like some tea?"
Sighing, Sherlock said, feeling deflated at the possible influence Archie has,
Without either one of them getting up, the nearest cupboard flew open, and out came a floating mug. Sherlock, who was at this point too mentally drained to react, merely looked at it as if it was apart of a normal Saturday morning.
The mug then placed itself on the counter, a teabags floating out to positionf itself inside. Then, the taps opened, the water right from the spout, swirling in the air before flying into the cup.
All the while, Archie still had that warm, accommodating smile.
The mug again, levitated towards the table, fitting right into Archie's open palms, clasping his hands around it.
He gave a bashful grin, "Sorry, I always do the warming myself as it's quicker."
Closing his eyes, the tea began to slowly bubble, quickly easing into angry boiling (by some magic, Archie prevented any water to splash on the table.)
All heated up, Archie passed the sugar and milk (which of course, floated out from the fridge) to Sherlock, now smiling from ear to ear,
"Add as you like."
Sherlock reminded himself to keep himself poised and his composure under control, but internally he was a mess.
"You can do that? So easily..?"
"Do what?"
"That! The floating mug and water and-" He inhaled, "You have telekinesis as one of your powers."
"Yes, makes my life much easier."
Sherlock, not taking notice of his tea, took a sip before realising he didn't add anything. "I can only imagine."
Then he grimaced, now adding what was needed, almost to comfort him and his somewhat companionship with the perplexing being that was Archie.
Silence reigned once more until,
"I'm attracted to you, Mr detective."
Sherlock couldn't help but roll his eyes, "If that wasn't obvious before, it clearly is now, Archie. And stop it with the "Mr detective" schtick, it's weird. You can call me by Sherlock, you know. It's my name."
Archie put his hands together, "Can I? Dominic, Anthony and Darcy allow me too but my human mother never did. I was told to call her "Your Highness"."
This time, Sherlock was drinking something, and this time he did choke on it.
"But you said your demon mother was a queen..?" He was tired; he'd rather be having fun with John and Dominic.
"My human mother was the queen of England for a while in the mid 1600s."
Archie replied smoothly.
"So you're over.. three hundred years old?"
Archie nodded. "Yes! I was born on Valentine's Day on 1651."
Once more, Sherlock was really regretting his decision to be around Archie. He was hoping the two lovers upstairs banging the shit out of each other still had some energy left for him after.
"Alright well Archie, call me by Sherlock. Is there anything else you can do that can prove yourself useful to me?"
Archie thought before answering,
"I can turn into other people, if you'd like, Sherlock."
Sherlock gulped again subconsciously when Archie said his name, yet was morbidly intrigued, giving an affirmative.
Archie's gaze pierced into Sherlock's, as of he was searching deep into his mind for what he wants. When he was satisfied, he got to work.
It was a process that ultimately led Sherlock dumbfounded. Slowly, Archie's hair shortened and turned grey. His stature decreased and his eyes became more of a sea blue.
Sherlock was now looking at John Watson. Or at least, Archie masquerading as John. Which unnerved Sherlock to no end.
The John look alike blinked and then smiled at the detective, before gazing dreamily at him. Sherlock slightly shuddered on instinct, actually believing it was John here with him. However that was impossible, as he was upstairs getting dicked down by Dominic.
"You.. You are John now.. why?"
Archie-John smiled coyly, peering down at the floor, "He likes you. And you like him back. I wanted to be someone you like." He glanced up again, gaze never wavering.
The confession washed over Sherlock like a tsunami on a beach. Damn, Archie truly fell hard for the guy, going as far to impersonate someone to get Sherlock to like him.
"Well, can you stop it and return to normal, it's rather.. confusing." Sherlock said.
At once, Archie's features shifted back into his own again.
"And also, John and I's relationship is strictly professional, don't get any funny ideas."
Taking it literally, Archie replied, "It's not funny or comedic! I find it to be rather lovely."
Sherlock sighed, wishing his tea was whiskey instead.
Archie spoke once more, "Do you like me too, Sherlock?"
Sherlock pursed his lips; Archie's eyes were wide with hope and a hidden sense of longing, like a homeless kid looking through a window of a candy store.
It was somewhat cute, he supposed, his ego was heavily satisfied at having a man of gargantuan size and strength obey and listen to his every whim. Contrary to this, Archie's too disproportionately affectionate nature and odd personality is downplaying his potential sex appeal.
Combine Archie's body and Dominic's streetwise charm into one person and Sherlock is utterly sold.
Simply sighing out of exasperation, he answered honestly, "I do not know for sure. You have a slight advantage due to your build and.. admittedly weird devotion to me even maybe your demonic powers have a pull to it but Archie, my god you're too much. Constantly declaring your love for me won't do a whole lot."
He took another sip of his tea.
Archie nodded, taking it all in,
"I'm sorry, I don't know how to deal with people sometimes."
"I can see that."
"I don't have a whole lot of experience with humans. Whenever I do, I always base our interactions from the one I had with my human mother, who became paranoid I'll murder her in her sleep, so I had to keep reassuring her. When she was violent, I just accepted it as normal as I didn't know any better. I still don't."
Silence softly permeated the atmosphere after Archie's sudden confession about his past. It certainly did give reason to how Archie wanted to please Sherlock all the time; the poor man was abused- quite heavily it seemed.
Taking this into account, Sherlock replied, "Well I understand a little better why you are the way you are now, Archie. So thank you for that."
At this, Archie immediately beamed.
"But remember: I am not your mother. I know you wish no harm to me, and I will never bring harm to you like her."
Archie nodded, saying a small "thank you".
"You're welcome. Remember that like John and Dominic, I'm just looking for a good time, some fun. We're just using each other for that. There's no need to profess your feelings to me like we're Romeo and Juliet. So dial it back and we can enjoy each other's company for a while all the more."
Archie smiled, not too big this time, "Alright, Sherlock. I will."
Sherlock fleetingly smiled at this, glad to know Archie listened.
"So what other powers do you have-"
"Speaking of that!" Archie abruptly interrupted, "May I try a scare tactic on you? It won't be too much, I swear!"
He pleaded with those wide eyes again.
Sherlock narrowed his eyes, "By scare tactic, I'm supposing you're trying to scare me."
"Yes! I want to experiment in case the time comes for me to have to use them. I don't practice them often, so I maybe a bit inexperienced. But you don't seem the type to be scared, Sherlock."
There was an excited glimmer in his eyes, and it- like so many other occasions- put Sherlock at unease.
"What are you going to do?"
"I don't know. Like I said, I'm experimenting. It's a new tactic I've fit to modern life."
Archie hummed to himself,
"I wont harm you, and I'll hold back the true fear factor. Just a minor scare is all."
Sherlock still didn't trust him: Archie's complacent nature juxtaposed against some peculiar eerie energy he emits just utterly confounds Sherlock at every turn.
However, he isn't one to back down.
"Alright fine, but make it short."
Archie beamed and flapped his hands,
"Thank you! I'll start in about.. right now!"
The demon kept his eyes focused on the man, sure to ensnare him, keeping up a smiley facade.
All at once, the homely kitchen environment bled of all its colour, becoming absent of all joy. Sherlock saw this occurring in the corner of his eye and tried his absolute best to tear away from the other's encapsulating stare but he couldn't.
Archie's eyes dissolved into a vivid shade of blood red. Sherlock still couldn't look away.
When Archie spoke, he felt like he was stood in a large hall as his voice reverberated all around him,
"There is nothing left."
Everything around them broke and crumbled away as fire slowly began to surround them, a chasm of unadulterated dread took hold of Sherlock as he stayed stock still.
Archie and his eyes from hell continued, "Your efforts were all for nothing. They have succumbed to the inevitable loss of usefulness. All is nothing. And now, you will become nothing. You will succumb to me."
Sherlock didn't speak; he couldn't, even if he was able, he wouldn't find the right words to verbalize his current spike of the most unprecedented time he's been not prepared. It soon gave way to apprehension as he realised he now was hung on Archie's words, leaving him vulnerable.
Then, just like that, it all ended as Archie kissed him on the cheek, whispering gently into his ear as the environment around them was already back to its original state,
"You're a kind man. I'll leave you alone and stay at the sidelines."
Smiling, he then got up and left.
Naturally, Sherlock was still mentally and physically reeling from the effects of Archie's scare tactic.
If that was minor, God help the man who takes on Archie at his most, he thought.
One thing is sure, he's an overbearing handful, but intriguing.
Sherlock quickly drank the rest of his now cold tea, wishing to forget what just happened. Thus, he decided to head upstairs to where John and Dominic were- maybe some oral or the great appeal of John being an exhibitionist will relieve him.

Pls comment shit to make me feel better about myself 😎😎

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